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Software版 - [转载] CloneCD - Perfect CD copier
Re: help: how to deal with .ccd, .sub & .img?Re: 我刻了一张1.2G的cdrom!能用的!!!!!!
Re: 用nero刻录光盘时遇见有版权保护怎么办?Re: 有人指点一下行吗?谢谢Re: 如何使得非管理员用户也可以使用Nero刻录?
Re: 气死我了!!!!!!!!!Re: [转载] VMware 下装的Redhat LInux 8.0 的 问题?
Virtual Driver File Makerknoppix, CDROM direct boot linux
Re: 如何模拟软驱?Virtual CDROM software for Win XP
CDROM VS CDRW 标准答案 请问下载的winfdows xp 为何不能启动?
Re: 烧CD除了DIRECTCD以外还有更好的么?Help: X40 install win2000?
Re: [转载] Help!How to mount a .iso cd image file as virtual cdrom?求大家帮小妹一把,没有cd rom怎样重装系统?
话题: clonecd话题: perfect话题: cd话题: cds话题: copier
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 432
【 以下文字转载自 Game 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: dogwalker (3AN-), 信区: Game
标 题: CloneCD - Perfect CD copier
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jul 31 21:19:34 2000) WWW-POST
I just made a perfect copy of Diablo 2 CDs using CloneCD
http://www.elby.de/, able to play on bnet with them!
CloneCD is really good, it can make perfect copies of
protected CDs, the problem is it only support a small number
of readers/writers which need to be able to read/write
subchannel data.
I have to use the CDROM from one machine to read a
1 (共1页)
求大家帮小妹一把,没有cd rom怎样重装系统?Re: 如何模拟软驱?
求助:用Acronis硬盘分区导致一个分区corruptCDROM VS CDRW 标准答案
problem regarding printer and IBMRe: 烧CD除了DIRECTCD以外还有更好的么?
Re: Why I cna't make a copy of AOE?Re: [转载] Help!How to mount a .iso cd image file as virtual cdrom?
Re: help: how to deal with .ccd, .sub & .img?Re: 我刻了一张1.2G的cdrom!能用的!!!!!!
Re: 用nero刻录光盘时遇见有版权保护怎么办?Re: 有人指点一下行吗?谢谢Re: 如何使得非管理员用户也可以使用Nero刻录?
Re: 气死我了!!!!!!!!!Re: [转载] VMware 下装的Redhat LInux 8.0 的 问题?
Virtual Driver File Makerknoppix, CDROM direct boot linux
话题: clonecd话题: perfect话题: cd话题: cds话题: copier