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StartUp版 - 如果你在硅谷, 你是否感兴趣加入一个创业团队 ? (兼职也可)
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话题: web话题: your话题: sales话题: do
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 457
Dear Friends:
Would you like to participate in a startup opportunity (on part time basis) ?
We are working on a startup opportunity, and it can be a good opportunity
for you too. You can be very valuable to the team.
What are the differences between this opportunity vs. other opportunities or
many creative ideas you had thought before ?
A. The opportunity is solid and concrete; Demand is real.
B. Impact Can be big and meaningful.
Your effort and contributions will really make the world a better place.
C. Growth potential is big.
If you are working on something exciting and interesting, congratulation to
you, and good luck with your project. Please continually focus on your project
and if you need any help, maybe we can help too.
If you do not have concrete things to work on Now and are looking for
opportunities, would you like to know more about what we do ?
We are looking for the following type of people:
1. Software engineers (软件开发)
All kinds of software engineers are valuable to the project
- Web related services and programming.
- Web graphics
- Web crawler, data mining
- Mobile
- Back-end, big data
2. Inside Sales (销售)
Even if you have no previous sales experience, do you like to learn the
art of sales ? Sales is a skill which one can learn and
it is a skill which is extremely useful for your career development even
if you do not intend to be a full-time salesperson in future.
3. Marketing guru (市场宣传)
Do you want to try creative methods to get your messages in front of
potential customers ?

4. Graphics Designers (网站美工)
For Web and Mobile
In summary, We are a low-key down-to-earth team and is working on a real
opportunity. All skillsets and talents will shine in this project.
Your contribution may help turn the opportunity into a big success for
yourself !

You can participate in the opportunity on part-time basis. You are welcome
to participate in full-time as well.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact me.
1 (共1页)
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startup leadership vs. tech skillset网络推广的copywriting skillset
大家给出点建议有做graphic design的朋友吗?
有没有自己转自己到contractor然后创业的?阿提卡 is a great guy!!!
话题: web话题: your话题: sales话题: do