

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Statistics版 - I have an easy probability question, please help me!!
help wantedWhat's this probability?
Power of interim analysis急问一个概率的问题
根据一个已知的数据集,估算这个数据的probability distribution 一般用那些方法?一个probability的问题,关于flip coin
关于一个MCMC 的概念求个 normalized euclidean distance 的公式
A question about significance test for normal distribution能不能给我扫扫盲:什莫叫做 develop algorithms
A Model question, urgent please!!关于‘’Probability‘’ 的定义的问题,外行请教
求书probability and statistics by degroot 第三版或者第四版问个简单的问题,monte carlo simulation里的probability 数据是从哪儿来的?
简单概率问题请教请教:怎么能把Logistic regression的OR转化成probablity
话题: succ话题: algo话题: resources话题: question
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 257
Dear Da niu,
I am trying to compare the performance of several algorithms that has
different succ rates and use
different number of resources. For example, algo A has overall succ rate of
60% while using 10 resources,
algo B has overal succ rate of 85% while using 30 resources. It's hard to
compare them since algo A has
less succ rate but use less resources. I am thinking of normalize their
success rate to the same(i.e. 95%) by
assuming each run will have the same succ probability, i.e each run
发帖数: 257
please let me know if I didn't describe my question clearly!!


【在 b****y 的大作中提到】
: Dear Da niu,
: I am trying to compare the performance of several algorithms that has
: different succ rates and use
: different number of resources. For example, algo A has overall succ rate of
: 60% while using 10 resources,
: algo B has overal succ rate of 85% while using 30 resources. It's hard to
: compare them since algo A has
: less succ rate but use less resources. I am thinking of normalize their
: success rate to the same(i.e. 95%) by
: assuming each run will have the same succ probability, i.e each run

发帖数: 257
please tell me if it is not possible too!!


【在 b****y 的大作中提到】
: Dear Da niu,
: I am trying to compare the performance of several algorithms that has
: different succ rates and use
: different number of resources. For example, algo A has overall succ rate of
: 60% while using 10 resources,
: algo B has overal succ rate of 85% while using 30 resources. It's hard to
: compare them since algo A has
: less succ rate but use less resources. I am thinking of normalize their
: success rate to the same(i.e. 95%) by
: assuming each run will have the same succ probability, i.e each run

发帖数: 257


【在 b****y 的大作中提到】
: Dear Da niu,
: I am trying to compare the performance of several algorithms that has
: different succ rates and use
: different number of resources. For example, algo A has overall succ rate of
: 60% while using 10 resources,
: algo B has overal succ rate of 85% while using 30 resources. It's hard to
: compare them since algo A has
: less succ rate but use less resources. I am thinking of normalize their
: success rate to the same(i.e. 95%) by
: assuming each run will have the same succ probability, i.e each run

发帖数: 2174
你这问题问的本身就很模糊, 根本看不明白.
什么是 resource, 什么是 N, 你这个实验
到底是run in parrellel 还是 sequential.
你一开始所谓的 succ rate 应该指的是单次的成功率.
可是最后考虑的succ rate, 又是sequential experiments
恰好在第N+1次首次成功的概率. 这都是完全不相关
如果就是想 知道 什么样的N能够使得
(1-a)^N * a = 0.95,
1 (共1页)
请教:怎么能把Logistic regression的OR转化成probablityA question about significance test for normal distribution
stock priceA Model question, urgent please!!
compare two large tables SQL (转载)求书probability and statistics by degroot 第三版或者第四版
help wantedWhat's this probability?
Power of interim analysis急问一个概率的问题
根据一个已知的数据集,估算这个数据的probability distribution 一般用那些方法?一个probability的问题,关于flip coin
关于一个MCMC 的概念求个 normalized euclidean distance 的公式
话题: succ话题: algo话题: resources话题: question