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Statistics版 - about Proc MI
about Proc MI请教个multiple imputation的问题
How to get summary statistics from multiple imputed data setsProc mianalyze 如何得到proc mixed repeated fixed effects P-value
真心请教: data cleaningnull model fit statistics (in proc logistic and etc)
帮朋友post一个SAS问题,求高人指点。多谢各位了![Help] SAS Proc mixed
求解, 用SAS PROC MI 做 missing data imputationHow well is SAS/IML studio integrating with R.?
proc logistic遇到missing value怎么处理what's wrong with Proc Reg???
问个logistic regression的问题。[SAS] data set options (obs=) in output tables
新手求教:关于sas proc mianalyzenon inferiority test for the difference of two proportions in "proc freq" ?
话题: mi话题: proc话题: do话题: when话题: error
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 85
When I use proc MI and specify the maximum and minimum values for some
variables. It always came out an ERROR: An imputed variable value is not in
the specified range after 100 tries.
Do you have such experience? And how do you solve such problem?
1 (共1页)
non inferiority test for the difference of two proportions in "proc freq" ?求解, 用SAS PROC MI 做 missing data imputation
【包子答谢】求教SAS survey data 的问题proc logistic遇到missing value怎么处理
Sas advance chapter quiz 一问问个logistic regression的问题。
proc mixed multivariate regression的参数新手求教:关于sas proc mianalyze
about Proc MI请教个multiple imputation的问题
How to get summary statistics from multiple imputed data setsProc mianalyze 如何得到proc mixed repeated fixed effects P-value
真心请教: data cleaningnull model fit statistics (in proc logistic and etc)
帮朋友post一个SAS问题,求高人指点。多谢各位了![Help] SAS Proc mixed
话题: mi话题: proc话题: do话题: when话题: error