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Statistics版 - SAS question - baozi
简单的SAS问题Residual and Partial Correlation
ask for help (urgent): A SAS questionhow to output cumulative percent to a dataset from Proc Freq?
SAS question: count non-missing value for different variables请问SAS中如何通过组内一个变量的值控制整组变量
A SAS question怎样储存我想要的proc means 的结果?
请教SAS LABEL问题。请教一个sas编程问题
弱问一个SAS里面求adjusted means的问题[合集] How to specify a variable as missing
求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rank[合集] └ Re: 关于stepwise programming
郁闷死了,请教一个R的问题how to interprete the factor in factor anlaysis
话题: variables话题: regression话题: output话题: sas话题: dummy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1121
Suppose in a regression, I have 1900 independent variables, among which
1890 are dummy variables. So, in the regression output, I do not want it
to show all 1900 parameters as it will take too much space. All I want is
the output of the remaining 10 parameters; not dummy variables.
Is there a SAS statement that can suppress the output of these 1890
parameters (and their t-statistics, standard errors, etc.)
Thank you. 5 bao zi will be given.
发帖数: 2836
noprint + outest ?

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Suppose in a regression, I have 1900 independent variables, among which
: 1890 are dummy variables. So, in the regression output, I do not want it
: to show all 1900 parameters as it will take too much space. All I want is
: the output of the remaining 10 parameters; not dummy variables.
: Is there a SAS statement that can suppress the output of these 1890
: parameters (and their t-statistics, standard errors, etc.)
: Thank you. 5 bao zi will be given.

发帖数: 1121
I used Noprint already. What I want is not to output regression results for
these dummy variable, only show the regression results for other non-dummy
发帖数: 347
用ods output。输出parameter estimate所在的table,然后在proc print里用where只
选相应的variable name即可
发帖数: 1121
I also used ods output. It is ok, but it is still not what I really want.
发帖数: 347
my 2 cents
发帖数: 12276
用KEEP=VAR1 VAR2...,加在你输出的DATASET后面,怎么样?


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: I used Noprint already. What I want is not to output regression results for
: these dummy variable, only show the regression results for other non-dummy
: variables.

发帖数: 8077
one way I can think of is using Partition Regression where
you first regression your dependent variable and each of the 10 other
independent variables against all dummy variables, obtain their residuals,
then regression the residuals of dependent variable against the residuals of
the 10 independent variables. Theoretically you shall have the same result.
But this only works for OLS, don't know if it applies to more advanced
regression analysis, such as FGLS, etc

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Suppose in a regression, I have 1900 independent variables, among which
: 1890 are dummy variables. So, in the regression output, I do not want it
: to show all 1900 parameters as it will take too much space. All I want is
: the output of the remaining 10 parameters; not dummy variables.
: Is there a SAS statement that can suppress the output of these 1890
: parameters (and their t-statistics, standard errors, etc.)
: Thank you. 5 bao zi will be given.

1 (共1页)
how to interprete the factor in factor anlaysis请教SAS LABEL问题。
data grouping, sub-grouping by column variable in R弱问一个SAS里面求adjusted means的问题
SAS问题来了求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rank
简单的SAS问题Residual and Partial Correlation
ask for help (urgent): A SAS questionhow to output cumulative percent to a dataset from Proc Freq?
SAS question: count non-missing value for different variables请问SAS中如何通过组内一个变量的值控制整组变量
A SAS question怎样储存我想要的proc means 的结果?
话题: variables话题: regression话题: output话题: sas话题: dummy