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Statistics版 - 面试问题
marginal effectsquestion about modeling, please help, thanks s lot.
问个统计的小概念 (转载)R里面的gls(), lme(), lmer()有什么区别么?
请教个计算standard error的问题面试问题求教(更新了啊)
有谁知道crossover design里面作linear mixed model如何计算coefficient of variation (CV)?前滚翻求推荐一本比较好的关于 linear models的书
AR model的估计在sas里面test proportional odds assumption in multi-level models
有人做marketing mix model的吗?ANOVA model 中 CELL count 过小到底对model有什么影响
请问一道joint hypothesized test 的题目SAS modeling面试问题求解
model里有multicollinearity,该如何处理呢?Help: mixed model
话题: what话题: model话题: minute话题: registers话题: customers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 58
1) construct a statistical model to describe the following situation:
Customers arrive to a large ticket counter with k cash registers at
average rate N per hour. You have access to minute by minute customer
counts for only one cash register, n(t). Your job is to estimate the
number of customers going through all the registers with a single
minute resolution. That is, you need to model N(t) as a function of
n(t) and the known average value of N(t) over all time. Answer the
following questions:
1. What is your model? Why this model and not something better? What
are the assumptions you have made?
2. What is the expected value of N(t)? What is its variance?
2) Would an ARIMA model be a good starting point for modeling
temperature variations at a single location, reported with a minute
resolution for a year?
发帖数: 3844
seasonal arima model?

【在 n********6 的大作中提到】
: 1) construct a statistical model to describe the following situation:
: Customers arrive to a large ticket counter with k cash registers at
: average rate N per hour. You have access to minute by minute customer
: counts for only one cash register, n(t). Your job is to estimate the
: number of customers going through all the registers with a single
: minute resolution. That is, you need to model N(t) as a function of
: n(t) and the known average value of N(t) over all time. Answer the
: following questions:
: 1. What is your model? Why this model and not something better? What
: are the assumptions you have made?

发帖数: 58
which problem?

【在 h***i 的大作中提到】
: seasonal arima model?
发帖数: 3844

【在 n********6 的大作中提到】
: which problem?
1 (共1页)
Help: mixed modelAR model的估计
How to score my customers with a single score (combing predicted prob. and spend $)有人做marketing mix model的吗?
A question about basic statistics, thanks.请问一道joint hypothesized test 的题目
请教:为啥ANOVA需要cosntant variance?model里有multicollinearity,该如何处理呢?
marginal effectsquestion about modeling, please help, thanks s lot.
问个统计的小概念 (转载)R里面的gls(), lme(), lmer()有什么区别么?
请教个计算standard error的问题面试问题求教(更新了啊)
有谁知道crossover design里面作linear mixed model如何计算coefficient of variation (CV)?前滚翻求推荐一本比较好的关于 linear models的书
话题: what话题: model话题: minute话题: registers话题: customers