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Statistics版 - JSM is not such a big deal
请问JSM 2011 Conference Proceedings 什么时候publish?JSM paper
JSM registration.问一个SAS Life-table的问题 !
Statistics needs a spirit of criticism问个censored的survival data概念
JSM 求解惑对于 interval censor 的情况怎么写SAS code呀?
偶觉得陈是老刑的人survival 中关于censoring的问题
话题: jsm话题: everyt话题: your话题: once话题: work
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 702
Except those keynote speakers and invited talks, JSM basically accept everyt
hing as long as you can provide the proof of the progress of your work.
At least for everyone I know, including myself, hasn't been turned down by
JSM once....
As for the Proceeding of JSM, you need to pay $90+ to publish your work,
which Ithink I will never submit my work to if I think it is publishable
somewhere else...
发帖数: 790
I know. but I thought at least somebody will peek at the submissions. you
can't let sh*t on the table, right?


【在 t****r 的大作中提到】
: Except those keynote speakers and invited talks, JSM basically accept everyt
: hing as long as you can provide the proof of the progress of your work.
: At least for everyone I know, including myself, hasn't been turned down by
: JSM once....
: As for the Proceeding of JSM, you need to pay $90+ to publish your work,
: which Ithink I will never submit my work to if I think it is publishable
: somewhere else...

发帖数: 329
JSM is the only chance for ASA to make serious money. It has no incentive to
introduce the peer-review process.


【在 t****r 的大作中提到】
: Except those keynote speakers and invited talks, JSM basically accept everyt
: hing as long as you can provide the proof of the progress of your work.
: At least for everyone I know, including myself, hasn't been turned down by
: JSM once....
: As for the Proceeding of JSM, you need to pay $90+ to publish your work,
: which Ithink I will never submit my work to if I think it is publishable
: somewhere else...

发帖数: 5138
I like the JSM proceedings because it does not have any censor. It is a truely free forum in the field of Statistics. Once it setup a censoring system, it will go to death thus many new ideas will go to death, and the judge is a group of men/women but not the God.
So, for any great idea, it doesn't care where it is appeared.

【在 t****r 的大作中提到】
: Except those keynote speakers and invited talks, JSM basically accept everyt
: hing as long as you can provide the proof of the progress of your work.
: At least for everyone I know, including myself, hasn't been turned down by
: JSM once....
: As for the Proceeding of JSM, you need to pay $90+ to publish your work,
: which Ithink I will never submit my work to if I think it is publishable
: somewhere else...

发帖数: 57
First, you are not Perelman; second nobody will be your Yau; third, Perelman
's work has been peer-reviewed and accepted, while yours rejected by every
decent journal. Please stop spaming this place with your non-sense, we had
enough of it. I really don't understand what motivates you to keep doing
this since apparently you have nothing to gain but everything to lose. Your
behavior doesn't make any sense in whatever perspective.

truely free forum in the field of Statistics. Once it setup a censoring
system, it will go to death thus many new ideas will go to death, and the
judge is a group of men/women but not the God.

【在 T*******I 的大作中提到】
: 前不久有个数学大牛人把自己的研究成果贴在自己的网上博客里,而邱大人组织了几个
: 人把那位niu人的东西给改进了一下发在正式刊物里,结果,你猜最后是谁获得了菲尔
: 茨奖?
: I like the JSM proceedings because it does not have any censor. It is a truely free forum in the field of Statistics. Once it setup a censoring system, it will go to death thus many new ideas will go to death, and the judge is a group of men/women but not the God.
: So, for any great idea, it doesn't care where it is appeared.

发帖数: 58
it is a party.每个人都可以唱一曲,不管你唱的好不好,关键是你不能唱儿歌。大家


【在 t****r 的大作中提到】
: Except those keynote speakers and invited talks, JSM basically accept everyt
: hing as long as you can provide the proof of the progress of your work.
: At least for everyone I know, including myself, hasn't been turned down by
: JSM once....
: As for the Proceeding of JSM, you need to pay $90+ to publish your work,
: which Ithink I will never submit my work to if I think it is publishable
: somewhere else...

1 (共1页)
survival 中关于censoring的问题JSM 求解惑
请问有没有R package可以处理censored data with non-constant censor level的?明年有什么统计数据分析的会议吗?
问一个R的问题: survreg() vs. PROC LIFEREG大师的英文看来很差劲啊
请教HAZARD MODEL的sas code偶觉得陈是老刑的人
请问JSM 2011 Conference Proceedings 什么时候publish?JSM paper
JSM registration.问一个SAS Life-table的问题 !
Statistics needs a spirit of criticism问个censored的survival data概念
话题: jsm话题: everyt话题: your话题: once话题: work