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Dallas's Secret Weapon: High Fives
Researchers Say Winning Teams Touch More, so We Studied the Tape; Miami's
Chilly Hug Totals
The major plotlines of the NBA Finals to this point have been Dirk Nowitzki'
s shooting prowess and LeBron James's Game 4 disappearing act.
Nobody, for the time being, is talking about the Dallas Mavericks' total
inability to keep their hands off one another.
But if physical contact between teammates has some bearing on the outcome of
a basketball game (more on that later), this series—which is deadlocked at
2-2 heading into Thursday's Game 5—may be all but over already.
Based on a review of ABC's broadcasts of the first three games of these
Finals, The Wall Street Journal logged every moment when two teammates could
be seen touching each other on camera, whether it was a high-five, a hug, a
chest pat or a butt slap. The results couldn't be more definitive.
The Mavericks, with 250 slaps, hugs, taps or bumps, are almost twice as
touchy-feely as the Heat, who had only 134 instances of televised contact.
In those three games, the Mavericks were 82% more likely to high five.
The concept of "chemistry" on a sports team has become the stuff of cliché
over the years. Nobody seems to have the same definition for what it is, or
what produces it. But last fall, three researchers at the University of
California, Berkeley, took a serious look at one of the most obvious signs
of camaraderie on a team—touching.
The study, which was titled "Tactile Communication, Cooperation and
Performance: An Ethological Study of the NBA," was authored by Michael W.
Kraus, Cassy Huang and Dacher Keltner. After reviewing broadcasts of games
from the 2008-09 season, they concluded that good teams tend to be much more
hands-on than bad ones. Teams whose players touched the most often were
more cooperative, played better and won more games, they said.
While there's no evidence that an NBA team can touch its way to victory, the
two touchiest teams in the study, the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers
, finished the season with two of the NBA's top three records.
"I remember when we started doing the coding, we were watching a Golden
State Warriors game," Kraus said. "They were pretty bad that year, and just
watching them and their negative body language—I mean, we weren't seeing
any touching at all even in the first quarter. We immediately thought, 'This
is going to work.'"
No player over the three games collected more high fives than Mavs forward
Tyson Chandler (90). He was followed closely by teammates Nowitzki (88),
Shawn Marion (69) and Jason Kidd (69). "It's all about positive
reinforcement," Mavs reserve Brian Cardinal said. "And we've got a bunch of
guys who really get along."
James led the Heat with a mere 41 high fives. But the touchiest Miami player
might be veteran forward Juwan Howard, who averaged 38 high fives per 48
minutes, good for the highest rate on the Heat.
发帖数: 329
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【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 笑死了...这群记者
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405270230439270457637364
: Dallas's Secret Weapon: High Fives
: Researchers Say Winning Teams Touch More, so We Studied the Tape; Miami's
: Chilly Hug Totals
: The major plotlines of the NBA Finals to this point have been Dirk Nowitzki'
: s shooting prowess and LeBron James's Game 4 disappearing act.
: Nobody, for the time being, is talking about the Dallas Mavericks' total
: inability to keep their hands off one another.
: But if physical contact between teammates has some bearing on the outcome of

发帖数: 8017
哈哈。 典型的乱做causal inference。
1 (共1页)
Dirk Nowitzki announces he is retiring银行工作地点和工作内容的比较,请教大家。
32 years old Dirt Nowitzki beat james in his primewang's options, do not know where this from
Nowitzki of Dallas Mavericks[流言]小牛-湖人-骑士三队超级大交易--zt
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[合集] 回馈本版:找工结束Nowitzki to opt out
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