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Statistics版 - contribution to explained variance in polynomial regressio
请问各位大牛 当regressor/covariates 是random的时候 怎么estimate啊?怎样用R 来提取 micrarray 中的regressor variable 的值? (转载)
how to get the portion% of variance explained by each var?请教:为啥ANOVA需要cosntant variance?
请教一个pca的问题sample size vs. number of regressors
how to get the percentage of variance explained by each variablesign vs signed rank
[合集] 来,大家赶快给我phone interview出出主意一个棘手的问题请教大伙
help on a question!!! Logistic regression??帮忙解答一个模型上的问题
A question about basic statistics, thanks.请问proc genmod, sas问题
请教牛人们关于time series 的 linear regression 问题goodness of fit of logit model
话题: explained话题: variance话题: regressio话题: polynomial
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5409
Say, a regressor X enters into the regression model in the quadratic form
a*(X-b)^2 ,
is there some measure similar to R square in linear models that reflect the contribution of X to the explained variance of dependent variable? Thanks a bunch.
1 (共1页)
goodness of fit of logit model[合集] 来,大家赶快给我phone interview出出主意
请问OLS怎样选择feature sets?help on a question!!! Logistic regression??
regression的问题:怎么处理bad dataA question about basic statistics, thanks.
谁有fan jianqing的local polynomial modeling and its application 或者下载地址?请教牛人们关于time series 的 linear regression 问题
请问各位大牛 当regressor/covariates 是random的时候 怎么estimate啊?怎样用R 来提取 micrarray 中的regressor variable 的值? (转载)
how to get the portion% of variance explained by each var?请教:为啥ANOVA需要cosntant variance?
请教一个pca的问题sample size vs. number of regressors
how to get the percentage of variance explained by each variablesign vs signed rank
话题: explained话题: variance话题: regressio话题: polynomial