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Statistics版 - brokered CD curve and swaption curve (help help!!!!!!!!!!!! (转载)
请教: How to interpret the effect of two lagged independent variable.急问如何在R里create lag variable
roc curve in R如何有SAS处理这个DATA SET,谢谢!
如果比较两个curve的形状是不是类是, 用什么方法问个SAS问题
How to account for variation within a data point?急问negative binomial regression的结果的model significance看哪个参数
如果要把图中所示的数据做成一个smoothed curveSAS dataset 中,怎么把数据往上移一行?
R里面survival curve的问题, 包子贴sas code求助
Risk Quant PositionSAS包子请教
SAS 问题求助,有包子问一个Time Series的概念问题
话题: cd话题: brokered话题: curve话题: swaption话题: rates
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 253
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: whatsummer (不理猫@St Trinians), 信区: Quant
标 题: brokered CD curve and swaption curve (help help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 26 13:46:57 2012, 美东)
The spread between brokered CD and swaption rates
1. is there mean reversion pattern?
2. how does brokered CD respond to the baseline rates?
3. what do the response lags look like under different rate levels
Is there any previous research on this? any clue on which direction/key
words to start with?
1 (共1页)
问一个Time Series的概念问题如果要把图中所示的数据做成一个smoothed curve
对 广告投放效果 建模R里面survival curve的问题, 包子贴
mining time series data (转载)Risk Quant Position
问个SAS 问题SAS 问题求助,有包子
请教: How to interpret the effect of two lagged independent variable.急问如何在R里create lag variable
roc curve in R如何有SAS处理这个DATA SET,谢谢!
如果比较两个curve的形状是不是类是, 用什么方法问个SAS问题
How to account for variation within a data point?急问negative binomial regression的结果的model significance看哪个参数
话题: cd话题: brokered话题: curve话题: swaption话题: rates