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Statistics版 - 烙印精神值得学习--summer intern
急问,亚特兰大收入水平 (转载)其实大家可以找找consulting的工作
有关travelers onsite interview的问题求推荐一下Bayesian入门教材
Dr. Lin Danyu猎头怎样挑选候选人-医药猎头顾问Jane
问一个有关SAS MACRO 和PROC PMENU的问题波士顿contract position:Excel / VBA Consultant( 0-2 years experience)
关于travelers summer internship谁给解释下Dutch Book Theorem?
话题: students话题: summer话题: richard话题: indian话题: dutch
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1433
The following is a letter by Richard Gill (Yes, the guy who firstly applied
counting process theory to survival analysis) to Indian Students who are
looking for summer internship:
Dear student from an Indian IT university
My colleagues and I get several emails like yours every
day and it makes us increasingly irritated. A university
is a teaching institution, not a business company.
To put it bluntly: we do not pay students to work
with us as internees. Students (via the Dutch taxpayers)
pay us, to learn from us.
Perhaps you can find a way to tell this information
to all the IT students of India. If you are succesful
I shall be so grateful that I'll specially arrange for
an interneeship for you.
A mathematics department in a Dutch university
does not have money to support students from overseas
who wish to do a summer internship. Actually, most
staff are on travels or vacation in the summer.
But if you can finance your travel to, and stay in,
the Netherlands, then you are welcome to visit the
department, just like anyone else.
Just occasionally, as a statistician, I do some
consultancy, and this could be used to pay
for a computing assistant. But again, it is
unlikely that I would be doing this kind of
job in the summer months, and moreover
impossible to predict in advance
when there might be some opportunity.
You might have more luck in an applied
computer science department, perhaps in
one of the technical universities, where there is
real production work going on and many
external projects.
Good luck with your search
Yours sincerely
Richard Gill
发帖数: 3123
1 (共1页)
谁给解释下Dutch Book Theorem?报个offer,鼓励一下大家
刘经理,你make my day了 (转载)有人对Travelers或者保险行业了解么?
请哥大统计系的同学进来帮个忙~谢谢~问一个有关SAS MACRO 和PROC PMENU的问题
TDT program 在哪里能够免费下载?关于travelers summer internship
急问,亚特兰大收入水平 (转载)其实大家可以找找consulting的工作
有关travelers onsite interview的问题求推荐一下Bayesian入门教材
Dr. Lin Danyu猎头怎样挑选候选人-医药猎头顾问Jane
话题: students话题: summer话题: richard话题: indian话题: dutch