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Statistics版 - genmod的问题
GEE model一问问个genmod的问题,包子答谢
用sas作discrete choice model求教如何建立多重变量回归模型?
[合集] sas中proc logistic和genmond区别是?[合集] need help with a reviewer's comment
大家一般有什么软件做association study?请高手帮我看看:glimmix model 有更好的 建议吗?
怎么去读proc genmod的output(关于multinomial)请教个简单的统计问题(包子)
求 SAS LOGIT model 的 CodeDoes GENMOD give class-level p-value?
请教个比较slope的问题——包子贴该用cox regression model还是gee model?
拜求统计牛人给建议 Semi-parametric regression of binary outcome怎么validate dataset,table?
话题: hospital话题: data话题: than话题: genmod话题: hsp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12276
因为,到sas community去问了,只好用我蹩脚的英语,也懒得再变成中文,就直接贴
We met with a wired issue when we use proc genmod.
The code is straightforward, we have repeated measures data for hospitals,
so we put hsp_ID as subject in the repeated statement. Totnum is total
numerator for each hospital by quarter and totdenom is total denominator for
each hospital by quarter. This step is variable seletion. By throwing one
candidate variable at a time and checking the p value, if p value is
greater than 0.1, then we remove it and less than 0.1 we will keep it in the
Before we run this code, we sort the data by hospital ID. But, when two
person work on the same code, they have different output. Then, we figured
it out, one person sort the data by hospital ID and quarter, and another
person sort the data by hospital ID and status (a variable in the dataset).
proc genmod data=dsn;
class hsp_ID &indvars.;
model totnum/totdenom=&indvars./dist=binomial link=logit;
repeated subject=hsp_ID/type=AR corrw;
Sometimes, both of their p value are greater than 0.1 or less than 0.1, but
sometimes, one is greater than 0.1 and another is less than. So, the same
dataset and same coding give us different output if we sort the data
Grateful for any thoughts or suggestions!
发帖数: 33
I guess the observations are not independent.
Correlation among the observations will distort the significance test.


【在 z**********i 的大作中提到】
: 因为,到sas community去问了,只好用我蹩脚的英语,也懒得再变成中文,就直接贴
: 到这了,另外,也看看大家是否可以看懂。
: We met with a wired issue when we use proc genmod.
: The code is straightforward, we have repeated measures data for hospitals,
: so we put hsp_ID as subject in the repeated statement. Totnum is total
: numerator for each hospital by quarter and totdenom is total denominator for
: each hospital by quarter. This step is variable seletion. By throwing one
: candidate variable at a time and checking the p value, if p value is
: greater than 0.1, then we remove it and less than 0.1 we will keep it in the
: model.

发帖数: 12276

【在 A****1 的大作中提到】
: I guess the observations are not independent.
: Correlation among the observations will distort the significance test.
: for
: one
: the

发帖数: 8077
I guess this is because you use AR(1) structure and naturally the ordering
within Hospital ID matters, and the difference will be reflected in your
working correlation matrix, and with different working correlation matrix,
the final covariance matrix will be different which of course influences the
p-value you can get.
just my $0.02, correct me if I am wrong. Why do u use AR(1) specification?
Is there any ordering of the observations within Hospital ID you have to
follow or want to model?


【在 z**********i 的大作中提到】
: 因为,到sas community去问了,只好用我蹩脚的英语,也懒得再变成中文,就直接贴
: 到这了,另外,也看看大家是否可以看懂。
: We met with a wired issue when we use proc genmod.
: The code is straightforward, we have repeated measures data for hospitals,
: so we put hsp_ID as subject in the repeated statement. Totnum is total
: numerator for each hospital by quarter and totdenom is total denominator for
: each hospital by quarter. This step is variable seletion. By throwing one
: candidate variable at a time and checking the p value, if p value is
: greater than 0.1, then we remove it and less than 0.1 we will keep it in the
: model.

发帖数: 12276


【在 o****o 的大作中提到】
: I guess this is because you use AR(1) structure and naturally the ordering
: within Hospital ID matters, and the difference will be reflected in your
: working correlation matrix, and with different working correlation matrix,
: the final covariance matrix will be different which of course influences the
: p-value you can get.
: just my $0.02, correct me if I am wrong. Why do u use AR(1) specification?
: Is there any ordering of the observations within Hospital ID you have to
: follow or want to model?
: for

1 (共1页)
怎么validate dataset,table?怎么去读proc genmod的output(关于multinomial)
longitudinal data analysis最好用的软件是哪个求 SAS LOGIT model 的 Code
问大家一个repeated measure的问题请教个比较slope的问题——包子贴
SAS DATA 求助拜求统计牛人给建议 Semi-parametric regression of binary outcome
GEE model一问问个genmod的问题,包子答谢
用sas作discrete choice model求教如何建立多重变量回归模型?
[合集] sas中proc logistic和genmond区别是?[合集] need help with a reviewer's comment
大家一般有什么软件做association study?请高手帮我看看:glimmix model 有更好的 建议吗?
话题: hospital话题: data话题: than话题: genmod话题: hsp