

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Statistics版 - how to solve this problem?
simint function can not find付酬请教版上的大牛一个panel data的3- equation simultaneous system
问个sequential test的问题有人知道怎么用统计方法处理selection bias吗
在线等:10包子题目 SAS simultaneous equations quesitons用2SLS or Simultaneous Equations Model怎么做这个问题
Merkle phone interview: anyone?请教simultaneous equation system
Any limits about SAS in batch modes2 opening Sr Economist positions - updated #1
有个北卡的opening求教一个问题:Simultaneity in Logistic regression
解决selection bias 的simultaneous model在R或stata里有现成的命令吗?simultaneous和nonsimultaneous confidence bounds for function的区别?
有人有Paul.Juneau的review中提到的Multiple Comparisons in Npython里边有没有module可以做到像stata命令那么方便的做回归?
话题: todd话题: pass话题: spade话题: solve话题: says
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 225
Todd explains the rules of this game:
1. You can take as much time as you need and use any help other than asking
Once you sit down to play, no shenanigans!
2. Todd will then take the deck of cards and a normal (fair) die and
secretly roll the die and pull a card from the deck whose suit matches: 1-2
= Spades, 3-4 = Hearts, 5-6 = Diamonds.
3. Todd then passes this card, face down, to Emily and repeats the process
for Charles, Doug and Fran.
4. Each player puts the card on their forehead so that they know what
everyone else has but not what they have.
5. Simultaneously, each player announces one of the three card suits or says
, "Pass".
If everyone says, "Pass", you lose. If anyone says a suit other than what
they have on their head, you lose. If at least one person guesses their card
and no one guesses wrong, all four people win.
Todd explains the simplest approach: "Getting a 1/3rd chance of winning is
pretty easy; just have Emily guess, 'Spades' and everyone else says, 'Pass'."
Can you do better?
发帖数: 234
you can induce from 2 people situation:
Suppose you have A & B, a better strategy is that A say "Pass" when B is "
Spade", other wise say "Spade". In this case your winning chance is 1/3*2/3+
3 people situation:
A say "Pass" if B or C is "Spade", B say "Pass" is C is "Spade", otherwise
say "Spade". In this case your winning chance is 1/3*(2/3*2/3) + 1-(2/3*2/3)
By induction, it should be 1/3*(2/3)^(k-1)+1-(2/3)^(k-1)=1-(2/3)^k
1 (共1页)
python里边有没有module可以做到像stata命令那么方便的做回归?Any limits about SAS in batch modes
SAS 求助:simultaneous equations有个北卡的opening
interaction 在 predictive modeling中的意义解决selection bias 的simultaneous model在R或stata里有现成的命令吗?
有哪些应用涉及大量的simultaneous testing?有人有Paul.Juneau的review中提到的Multiple Comparisons in N
simint function can not find付酬请教版上的大牛一个panel data的3- equation simultaneous system
问个sequential test的问题有人知道怎么用统计方法处理selection bias吗
在线等:10包子题目 SAS simultaneous equations quesitons用2SLS or Simultaneous Equations Model怎么做这个问题
Merkle phone interview: anyone?请教simultaneous equation system
话题: todd话题: pass话题: spade话题: solve话题: says