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Stock版 - 钱越来越少了
Best Buy Co. says it is sharply cutting its fiscal 2009 earnings outlook[合集] Apple ER之我析
take a closer look at IMAXRe: Daily Reading (转载)
为什么foreigner 仍然买长期国债?Is JASO a buy?
ZT On Tap Next Week: Earnings, Apple Launch, Bernanke VoteU.S. stocks fall sharply on global growth concerns
ZT The Next Month Should Be GreatExisting Homes Sales Report
Jan. unemployment rate 9.7%US Stocks Sharply Lower As Trading Nears Close
Jobless ClaimsU.S. stock index futures signal sharply lower open
Payrolls rise 162,000, best gain in three yearsAMR 深度套牢,该怎么办?
话题: 000话题: 越来越少话题: rate话题: mba话题: 1q
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 240
上星期冲进mutual fund要求买股票的钱大约是: 68亿3千万
这个星期估计只有7亿6千4百万, 连上个星期的零头都不到, 其中只有2亿5千2百万是要
发帖数: 240
US April new home sales rise 0.3% to 352,000 rate–weakerthan expected. The
Consensus was for 360,000 rate as the March was revised sharply lower from
-0.6% to -3.0% to 351,000. Median price drops 14.9% to $209,700. Inventory
of homes drop 4.2% to 297,000 or 10.1 months of supply.
MBA: 1 in 8 households end 1Q with 1 or more payments behind or in
foreclosure. "We clearly haven't hit the top yet in terms of delinquencies
or the b
1 (共1页)
AMR 深度套牢,该怎么办?ZT The Next Month Should Be Great
下星期二可能暴跌Jan. unemployment rate 9.7%
AAPL死后我该怎么办?Jobless Claims
MAY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 9.7%Payrolls rise 162,000, best gain in three years
Best Buy Co. says it is sharply cutting its fiscal 2009 earnings outlook[合集] Apple ER之我析
take a closer look at IMAXRe: Daily Reading (转载)
为什么foreigner 仍然买长期国债?Is JASO a buy?
ZT On Tap Next Week: Earnings, Apple Launch, Bernanke VoteU.S. stocks fall sharply on global growth concerns
话题: 000话题: 越来越少话题: rate话题: mba话题: 1q