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Stock版 - S&P's bottom: 0.2 OZ of gold
Silver is smoking now想听听老李的分析: 周三 Fed
【Y原创】这一次SP500最高能突破1200!!!!!!UUP: time to buy, badcompany?
炒股就是炒的胆子大.China To Purchase Half of IMF's Gold
Paul Volker这个家伙到底什么背景,什么政见?Anyone wanna play C's ER
今天yahoo的财经新闻很不和谐haha, 这个yahoo上的老美很透彻啊
虽然不喜欢bernanke,不过这个老头是牛啊It's money flow, dude
美国统计局编造通货膨胀数据 (转载)Gold on launch pad again?
这篇文章写的很好 Enough Already With The Fed's TransparencyAAPL might be done with pullback
话题: oz话题: market话题: spy话题: gld话题: gold
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
Since paper dollars have lost the integrity b/c of Bernanke & Greenspan,
we have to evaluate the market w/ gold -- the real money that has stood
the test of thousands years of history.
The chart is calculated by dividing SPY w/ GLD on their daily closing
price. It dated back to Jun / 2008, and it ain't look pretty.
2nd is SPY/GLD weekly chart. You can see it's also bearish all the way.
发帖数: 293
Main Street economy and Stock Market are not the same. Stock value is based
on a future belief. Regardless true or false, manipulated or speculated, as
long as this future belief is not completely broken, and Wall Street is
willing to push the market higher, the market can keep going. However,
eventually, the market will have to face the reality. Only time will tell.
If one can predict the economy, one certaily can predict the Stock market.
BUT, that prediction timing accuracy is not in the scal

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Since paper dollars have lost the integrity b/c of Bernanke & Greenspan,
: we have to evaluate the market w/ gold -- the real money that has stood
: the test of thousands years of history.
: The chart is calculated by dividing SPY w/ GLD on their daily closing
: price. It dated back to Jun / 2008, and it ain't look pretty.
: 2nd is SPY/GLD weekly chart. You can see it's also bearish all the way.

1 (共1页)
AAPL might be done with pullback今天yahoo的财经新闻很不和谐
我的金矿亏废了美国统计局编造通货膨胀数据 (转载)
all in GLD这篇文章写的很好 Enough Already With The Fed's Transparency
Silver is smoking now想听听老李的分析: 周三 Fed
【Y原创】这一次SP500最高能突破1200!!!!!!UUP: time to buy, badcompany?
炒股就是炒的胆子大.China To Purchase Half of IMF's Gold
Paul Volker这个家伙到底什么背景,什么政见?Anyone wanna play C's ER
话题: oz话题: market话题: spy话题: gld话题: gold