

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Stock版 - cookiesweet and neverlearn not disappear, stock market wil
黄金可以开空单了JA Solar's Flash Crash
all the silver/gold bug please come here.game over: deer2005 & ACRX disappear,
Buffett 动真格了。大家别讨论捞底了,快讨论如何追高吧!where is lexian?
今天不说包皮, 说说401K vs STOCKSHORT BIDU to death!
two stocks I think will disappear in 3 yearsI guess that choosewhat has been slaughtered by his tons of calls?!
Investors Struggle With Cash Conundrum(ZT)Cookiesweet, are you ok today?
Buffett Bought $12 Billion of Stock From Election ThroughCookiesweet怎么还没出来喊
I only have 2 stocks nowwin
话题: neverlearn话题: wil话题: disappear话题: stock
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4527
Love to see those two guys around.
发帖数: 2921
Do you want me to change majia?
I will be around when I am alive.
Just for fun. Don't be so serious with stock and money.
For rich people like Bill gates, buffett, they have a lot of problems in how
to expend their money. For poor guys loke me, we have same amount of
problems, but in how to earn money. None is happy in the world.
Life is so short. Have fun everyday. Anyway you need to leave behind
everything when you see God.

【在 c********t 的大作中提到】
: Love to see those two guys around.
发帖数: 4527
No, no, love to see you around and joke around.
Very true, life is just a journey.
Obviously stock trading is just a part of it.
However, watering on the board, sometime priceless.
That's why I laugh to the board though losing big on the market.


【在 c*********t 的大作中提到】
: haha,
: Do you want me to change majia?
: I will be around when I am alive.
: Just for fun. Don't be so serious with stock and money.
: For rich people like Bill gates, buffett, they have a lot of problems in how
: to expend their money. For poor guys loke me, we have same amount of
: problems, but in how to earn money. None is happy in the world.
: Life is so short. Have fun everyday. Anyway you need to leave behind
: everything when you see God.

发帖数: 7495
1 (共1页)
wintwo stocks I think will disappear in 3 years
都别乱吵吵了,有请甜饼干预测一下!Investors Struggle With Cash Conundrum(ZT)
wish Cookiesweet luckBuffett Bought $12 Billion of Stock From Election Through
Former HP CEOI only have 2 stocks now
黄金可以开空单了JA Solar's Flash Crash
all the silver/gold bug please come here.game over: deer2005 & ACRX disappear,
Buffett 动真格了。大家别讨论捞底了,快讨论如何追高吧!where is lexian?
今天不说包皮, 说说401K vs STOCKSHORT BIDU to death!
话题: neverlearn话题: wil话题: disappear话题: stock