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Stock版 - Physical Silver Price is Really $50 per Ounce
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Physical Silver Price is Really $50 per Ounce (80% Premium on COMEX Silver
Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011 Mar 06, 2011 - 12:46 PM
By: Chris_Kitze
Wynter_Benton update on their recent raid With permission, I can update the
results of our raid. It was successful beyond imagination but that "success"
has spawned even more questions about the price of paper silver going
forward. It was reported by SGS that he heard that on Friday Blythe was
offering 30-50 percent premium and that at least 4500 hundred contracts will
stand for delivery. I am here to give you a more accurate update (and a
first hand account of what happened on Friday Feb 25). Our group was
detemined to stand for delivery going into Monday because we were not going
to take a 30 percent premium on a price of $33.50
It was reported that Blythe offered 50 percent premium. That was not even
close in our case. We got over 80 percent premium. That's right. Over $50
per contract on the condition that our group sell all our contracts. Our
counterparty even threatened us with the ghost of Herstatt. They openly
admitted that they could not deliver even 20 million ounces to us but that
if we stood for delivery they would be sure that they make delivery to
everyone else before they defaulted on us which would make us 'unsecured
creditors'. They told us directly that they could not allow even 5000
contracts to stand for delivery because they could not deliver a mere 20
million ounces. Like Vito Corleone said, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can
't refuse." And indeed we did not refuse as this was our intention all along.
These sets of facts from our traders lead us to believe that the paper price
of silver may have a difficult time surpassing $36 because if the
counterparty at the Comex is so willing to pay north of $50 to dissuade
people from standing for delivery yet the paper price of silver is still
under $35, then we suspect that losses triggered by derivatives is the main
reason for the price suppression of silver. We can see no reason why they
would not allow the paper price to go up yet are so glad to pay off the
comex contracts to show the world that so few are standing for delivery. In
our mind, Comex could default with if as little as 4,000 contracts stood for
delivery. We are very curious to see how high the paper price of silver
actually trades during this run. Posted by Louis Cypher"
It should now be obvious to all that silver is a fractional reserve system.
Just like a fractional reserve bank, when there is more demand for the
actual underlying good (i.e. silver or money) than there is a real physical
supply for, it's called a "run on the bank". Those who get in line first,
get their silver. Everyone else will end up as an "unsecured creditor",
holding a worthless piece of paper when the music stops.
1 (共1页)
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话题: silver话题: our话题: price话题: delivery话题: contracts