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Stock版 - 日元走强. 还没到真正跌势
高盛:日银货币刺激规模料再增加10万亿日元泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了 (转载)
此轮调整已经结束BOJ to expand loans, buy bond
Nikkei reporting G-20 considering a $600 bio IMF lending program to Europe谁有下周Events and ER或Economic Calendar贴一下吧,给包子
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我对明年的预期ZT: 对这两天market的解盘
话题: boj话题: march话题: its话题: bank话题: central
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1035
发帖数: 312
TOKYO, May 10 (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan on Tuesday decided to bolster
its capital as a provision against potential losses from an asset-buying
scheme, giving it room to ease monetary policy further if needed to support
the economy. The central bank said it had decided to set aside as legal
reserves 15 percent of its profits from the past fiscal year, three times
the usual level, to improve its fiscal health. It filed a request on Tuesday
for approval from Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, as the move would
decrease the central bank's payments to the government. The BOJ buys a range
of assets including government bonds, corporate bonds and real estate
investment trusts via a pool of funds that was set up last October to help
support the economy and was doubled to 10 trillion yen ($125 billion) after
the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. The capital increase will give the
central bank more of a buffer against possible losses on its asset holdings.
But any increase in capital will be relatively small because the BOJ is
thought to have barely eked out a profit in the financial year that ended in
March, said a source familiar with the central bank's thinking. That means
the move would not likely be a sign that the BOJ is gearing up to ease
monetary policy immediately. The central bank said it would announce its
earnings results for the 2010/11 fiscal year later this month. BOJ Governor
Masaaki Shirakawa has said that for the time being he hoped to examine the
effect of the central bank's monetary easing in March but that the BOJ was
ready to take action as needed. Any further loosening of monetary policy
would likely involve the bank expanding its asset purchases again,
increasing its exposure to the risk of losses. The BOJ's capital adequacy
ratio stood at 7.43 percent at the end of September, down from 7.47 percent
in March 2010. That is below its target of 8 to 12 percent, which is not
legally binding but regarded by the BOJ as an appropriate level. The only
way to boost the ratio is to set aside more of its profits as reserves,
instead of paying them to the government. In the first half of the fiscal
year that ended in March, the BOJ incurred a recurring loss of 158.8 billion
yen. ($1 = 80.275 Japanese Yen) (Reporting by Leika Kihara; Editing by
Edmund Klamann) Keywords: JAPAN ECONOMY/BOJ (l**********[email protected]
)(+813-6441-1828)(Reuters Messaging: l**********************[email protected])
COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved.
发帖数: 1035


【在 h****g 的大作中提到】
: TOKYO, May 10 (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan on Tuesday decided to bolster
: its capital as a provision against potential losses from an asset-buying
: scheme, giving it room to ease monetary policy further if needed to support
: the economy. The central bank said it had decided to set aside as legal
: reserves 15 percent of its profits from the past fiscal year, three times
: the usual level, to improve its fiscal health. It filed a request on Tuesday
: for approval from Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, as the move would
: decrease the central bank's payments to the government. The BOJ buys a range
: of assets including government bonds, corporate bonds and real estate
: investment trusts via a pool of funds that was set up last October to help

1 (共1页)
ZT: 对这两天market的解盘关于最近的跌势
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4.2% Social Security Tax for 2011 (转载)我对明年的预期
高盛:日银货币刺激规模料再增加10万亿日元泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了 (转载)
此轮调整已经结束BOJ to expand loans, buy bond
Nikkei reporting G-20 considering a $600 bio IMF lending program to Europe谁有下周Events and ER或Economic Calendar贴一下吧,给包子
话题: boj话题: march话题: its话题: bank话题: central