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Stock版 - About fed (zt)
盖特纳:美国不会让美元贬值(ZZ)FED Raise Fed Discount Rate!!
下周一二大跌2000点, 该如何做?今天Federal Reserve什么时间发布消息?
[合集] 再跟青蛙们说一句:现在跑还来得及Federal Reserve says interest rates to stay exceptionally low for extended period.
传说中的QE好像马上就要了来了Fed marks self to mirages as well
China FX reserves fall $99.5 bln in JanFederal Reserve to Keep Rates Low "At Least Through 2013"
A very good article about Plaza Accord 2.0The Federal Reserve: monetary policy statement : 2:15 p.m. ET.
Obamacare v.s. Privatization of Social Security苹果现在现金堪比美莲储
澳大利亚反击了, 也是1.9 (转载)QE 会停止吗,市场会有什么结果?
话题: federal话题: reserve话题: american话题: us话题: banks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 407
90 days ago, we requested Ben Bernanke's resignation as Federal Reserve
chairman. Mr. Bernanke has not complied
with our request.
The Federal Reserve's policies are systematically looting the country to
enrich one-tenth of one percent of the
The Federal Reserve has deliberately driven tens of millions of people into
The Federal Reserve is responsible for Crimes Against Humanity!
The Federal Reserve gave trillions of American taxpayer dollars, in secrecy,
to the people who were most responsible
for causing our economic crisis.
Our tax dollars were handed out as all-time record-breaking bonuses to top
executives at the “Too Big to Fail” global
The Federal Reserve gave American taxpayer dollars to foreign banks and
The Federal Reserve directly subsidized tax evasion by funneling taxpayer
dollars into to the Cayman Islands.
The Federal Reserve gave American tax dollars to their primary dealer banks,
so the banks could then lend that same
money back to the US government at higher interest rates, leading to
significant profits for the banks, at the further
expense of the American public.
Through bailout programs the Federal Reserve socialized financial losses
onto American taxpayers and privatized
profits into the hands of global banks.
The Federal Reserve aids and abets trillions of dollars in accounting fraud.
The Federal Reserve routinely manipulates the stock market.
The Federal Reserve deliberately caused inflation in the price of food, gas
and basic necessities, while devaluing the
The Federal Reserve represents the central planning force behind a global
banking cartel that has deliberately
impoverished people throughout the world.
US Politicians have not taken action to break up the Federal Reserve and the
“Too Big To Fail” Banks.
US Politicians have not taken action to prosecute the people who caused our
economic crisis.
US Politicians have not taken action to end the system of political bribery,
the campaign finance and lobbying racket,
which allows global bankers to control our political process.
Democrats have failed us.
Republicans have failed us.
No one is defending our interests.
We cannot remain passive while our future is going up in flames.
发帖数: 407
Ben really has to think twice on QE3.
发帖数: 2636
发帖数: 1745
I hope he is not losing sleep over that these days.
By the by, Djinwa remains in the top spot among MITBBS legends indefinitely!

【在 d*****1 的大作中提到】
: Ben really has to think twice on QE3.
发帖数: 372
1 (共1页)
QE 会停止吗,市场会有什么结果?China FX reserves fall $99.5 bln in Jan
The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 MinutesA very good article about Plaza Accord 2.0
Federal Reserve Bank 是最大的MM吧Obamacare v.s. Privatization of Social Security
出口一美元的商品,国内要发行7块人民币来平衡?澳大利亚反击了, 也是1.9 (转载)
盖特纳:美国不会让美元贬值(ZZ)FED Raise Fed Discount Rate!!
下周一二大跌2000点, 该如何做?今天Federal Reserve什么时间发布消息?
[合集] 再跟青蛙们说一句:现在跑还来得及Federal Reserve says interest rates to stay exceptionally low for extended period.
传说中的QE好像马上就要了来了Fed marks self to mirages as well
话题: federal话题: reserve话题: american话题: us话题: banks