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Stock版 - Restructure is off the table. Rescue plan to come.
波多黎各问题再现Greece: Over 75% of Bondholders Have Agreed to Swap (转载)
美元还是在跌。95% creditors agreed to swap
Weekend rumorsMit Romney关于救底特律的这篇文章很赞啊
Citigroup: Risk of Greek Exit From Euro Has Risen to 50%who can tell me?
WSJ: Greek Party Leaders At Odds on Debt DealIRE要卖资产
抓狂了!尼玛希腊jb到底在搞什么jb?Is this good news?
baba: 看来大家也没注意到这点Is this true that there was a $139B bailout?
No dealLong China, short US
话题: greece话题: would话题: barnier话题: plan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 480
这个是说Greece 这次是不会default了吗?
A restructuring of Greece's 340 billion euro ($481.5 billion) debt is not on
the agenda and would damage the country's credibility on bond markets, the
European Union's internal markets commissioner said on Saturday.
Forcing Greece's private creditors to take part in an upcoming aid package
would count as a restructuring and is not being considered either, Michel
Barnier told Europe 1 radio.
"This question of a restructuring ... is not on the table," he said. "It
would only postpone the problem and in the wake of a restructuring Greece
would face exactly the same difficulties and would no longer have any
credibility to borrow."
Greece's embattled prime minister on Friday sacrificed his finance minister
to force through an unpopular austerity plan and avert bankruptcy, while EU
powers Germany and France promised to go on funding Athens.
Citing German and French backing for a plan to involve private bondholders
such as banks on a purely voluntary basis, Barnier said: "To impose an
effort would be to acknowledge a restructuring and that is not on the agenda
Describing Greece as a country that had been badly run and had lived above
its means, Barnier said the solution was a "collective" effort to
successfully thrash out the details of a new rescue plan in the coming weeks.
"We don't have the right to draw blank cheques on the back of future
generations," he said. "The work is to continue over the coming weeks."
Bond markets remain spooked by fears of a Greek default and most economists
are overwhelmingly sceptical that Greece can ever repay its debts in full.
发帖数: 480


【在 v**********i 的大作中提到】
: 这个是说Greece 这次是不会default了吗?
: http://www.cnbc.com/id/43449610
: A restructuring of Greece's 340 billion euro ($481.5 billion) debt is not on
: the agenda and would damage the country's credibility on bond markets, the
: European Union's internal markets commissioner said on Saturday.
: Forcing Greece's private creditors to take part in an upcoming aid package
: would count as a restructuring and is not being considered either, Michel
: Barnier told Europe 1 radio.
: "This question of a restructuring ... is not on the table," he said. "It
: would only postpone the problem and in the wake of a restructuring Greece

发帖数: 5901


【在 v**********i 的大作中提到】
: 这个是说Greece 这次是不会default了吗?
: http://www.cnbc.com/id/43449610
: A restructuring of Greece's 340 billion euro ($481.5 billion) debt is not on
: the agenda and would damage the country's credibility on bond markets, the
: European Union's internal markets commissioner said on Saturday.
: Forcing Greece's private creditors to take part in an upcoming aid package
: would count as a restructuring and is not being considered either, Michel
: Barnier told Europe 1 radio.
: "This question of a restructuring ... is not on the table," he said. "It
: would only postpone the problem and in the wake of a restructuring Greece

发帖数: 151
It means Ecb and IMF will have to bail out Greece. All rating agencies
already said restructuring will be considered default and will trigger
It's several hundred billion euros, and if this is done, then they have to do it for all PIGS likely. Europe is in deep deep
shit. But short term there should be some relief to European stocks, especially banks, because they won't be required
to take haircuts.
发帖数: 480
they have germany to pick up the bill, no worries.

do it for all PIGS likely. Europe is in deep deep
especially banks, because they won't be required

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: It means Ecb and IMF will have to bail out Greece. All rating agencies
: already said restructuring will be considered default and will trigger
: downgrades.
: It's several hundred billion euros, and if this is done, then they have to do it for all PIGS likely. Europe is in deep deep
: shit. But short term there should be some relief to European stocks, especially banks, because they won't be required
: to take haircuts.

1 (共1页)
Long China, short USWSJ: Greek Party Leaders At Odds on Debt Deal
爱阿姨的RESTRUCTURE PLAN得到EU首肯抓狂了!尼玛希腊jb到底在搞什么jb?
油工,除了飞机,加不加油股?baba: 看来大家也没注意到这点
GAPNo deal
波多黎各问题再现Greece: Over 75% of Bondholders Have Agreed to Swap (转载)
美元还是在跌。95% creditors agreed to swap
Weekend rumorsMit Romney关于救底特律的这篇文章很赞啊
Citigroup: Risk of Greek Exit From Euro Has Risen to 50%who can tell me?
话题: greece话题: would话题: barnier话题: plan