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Stock版 - Gang of Six 的那玩意看样子要黄
黑皮所说的“GANG OF SIX”是个JOKE?Government to Deploy Broader Mortgage Aid
It's a done dealECB as Lender of Last Resort Would End Crisis
不败的组合When will this shitty country stop acting BS???
Economy Adds 103,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Stays 9.1%why is there still a parade tommorow?
Cramer: The 3 things controlling your $$ each day开盘买入uvxy
这个不错啊,哪个WSN扮的?SYNA 29+
我替老球喊一句Notable Earnings Before Thursday's Open: STP, JOYG, CRMT, UTIW, CHRS
话题: gang话题: six话题: republican话题: would话题: debt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1440
Washington (CNN) -- The burst of enthusiasm Tuesday for the "Gang of Six"
debt reduction plan as a possible way out of the debt ceiling crisis
appeared to fade Wednesday as Democratic and Republican lawmakers studied
and found fault with the details of the proposal.
Most notably, both sides highlighted well-worn party-line divisions:
conservatives complained the plan would raise taxes while liberals warned it
would cut entitlement benefits.
"It would be irresponsible for us to try to rush through such a complex
package without time for meaningful review," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, the
top Republican on the Budget Committee who said his staff has already
identified "serious flaws" with the proposal.
1 (共1页)
Notable Earnings Before Thursday's Open: STP, JOYG, CRMT, UTIW, CHRS民主党总统股市年均+11%,共和党总统股市年均+2.7%
notable options next weekCramer: The 3 things controlling your $$ each day
明天有什么notable earning 没?这个不错啊,哪个WSN扮的?
JNS 晶科究竟恢复生产了没有我替老球喊一句
黑皮所说的“GANG OF SIX”是个JOKE?Government to Deploy Broader Mortgage Aid
It's a done dealECB as Lender of Last Resort Would End Crisis
不败的组合When will this shitty country stop acting BS???
Economy Adds 103,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Stays 9.1%why is there still a parade tommorow?
话题: gang话题: six话题: republican话题: would话题: debt