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Stock版 - What does "game over" look like? (转载)
天大的笑话treasury note/bond yield big move today
For the First Time Ever, Treasury Auctions Ten-Year Notes Yielding Less Than 2%."I think bond guys are smarter"
TLT的长期回报10 year yield break down
Surprise: This Inverted Yield Curve Is Good News For The Dow Jones, Economy (兼听则明)Fed buys back $3.89 bln in Treasurys (zz)
Econ 101: Bond Yield & Mortgage Rate借人气问t-bond
Long TBT负利率时代又到来了...
马后炮:GS must have known what we don't know又变成负利率了
再提醒一次:GS设定的10-year Treasury Yields 3.25%史上最便宜的1300点
话题: what话题: look话题: game
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
【 以下文字转载自 Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: NeverLearn (24K golden bear), 信区: Investment
标 题: What does "game over" look like?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 21 10:14:57 2011, 美东)
Better than 1000 words.
Expect similar chart pattern down the road for US Treasury bond yield
and gold price.
1 (共1页)
史上最便宜的1300点Econ 101: Bond Yield & Mortgage Rate
Pimco's bad bond bet---"A Gross Error"Long TBT
给牛牛来点儿深层次的FA。。LOL马后炮:GS must have known what we don't know
treasury sells 29b in yield 1.29再提醒一次:GS设定的10-year Treasury Yields 3.25%
天大的笑话treasury note/bond yield big move today
For the First Time Ever, Treasury Auctions Ten-Year Notes Yielding Less Than 2%."I think bond guys are smarter"
TLT的长期回报10 year yield break down
Surprise: This Inverted Yield Curve Is Good News For The Dow Jones, Economy (兼听则明)Fed buys back $3.89 bln in Treasurys (zz)
话题: what话题: look话题: game