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Stock版 - what the fuxk...mortgage is over 8% 10 years ago? even now 4.15% is much higher than Canada
明天银行股可能会很惨,有新消息BAC 相对 FA 分析
This might be one reason why banks are weakFor Bank of America, Countrywide Bankruptcy Is Still an Option
10年大牛市, 怕什么Fed $400 Billion in Operation Twist Angurs Pain for Banks
包子求今天bby解读Greece's Piraeus and NBG to set up 'bad banks' as bad loans soar
恭喜马上买房和refin的同学,明年开始你们缴特别税了 (转载)schweb bank做home loan好吗
Obama to Seek Limited U.S. Mortgage Role现在还在做熊的同学还不太理解突破的威力
Banks, banks! short gold/silver周末一堆国际消息会影响到美股走向么?
国内今天房地产股都暴跌阿最后半小时会重复昨天么yesterday once more?
话题: mortgage话题: percent话题: rate话题: years话题: over
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18523
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage has fallen
to its lowest level on records dating to 1971.
The rate on the most popular mortgage dipped to 4.15 percent from 4.32
percent a week ago, Freddie Mac said Thursday. Its previous low of 4.17
percent was reached in November.
The last time long-term rates were lower was in the 1950s, when 30-year
loans weren't widely available. Most long-term home loans lasted 20 or 25
Few expect record-low rates to energize the depressed home market. Over the
past year, the average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage has been below 5
percent for all but two weeks. Yet prices and sales remain unhealthy and are
holding back the overall economy.
Five years ago, the average 30-year fixed rate was near 6.5 percent. In 2000
, it exceeded 8 percent.
发帖数: 154
I knew some people had mortgage with 14% interest rate around 1980s
发帖数: 2717
only if you know what the return rate for home price around 2000.
it was definitely over 10% from 2000 to 2006.
2010 Aug -> 2011 Aug? -5% for SPCS20

below 5

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage has fallen
: to its lowest level on records dating to 1971.
: The rate on the most popular mortgage dipped to 4.15 percent from 4.32
: percent a week ago, Freddie Mac said Thursday. Its previous low of 4.17
: percent was reached in November.
: The last time long-term rates were lower was in the 1950s, when 30-year
: loans weren't widely available. Most long-term home loans lasted 20 or 25
: years.
: Few expect record-low rates to energize the depressed home market. Over the
: past year, the average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage has been below 5

发帖数: 2258
not too many ppl took mortgage back at that time, at least only small
portion of the house, most of them could pay CASH at that time, cuz the
house is very cheap.


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage has fallen
: to its lowest level on records dating to 1971.
: The rate on the most popular mortgage dipped to 4.15 percent from 4.32
: percent a week ago, Freddie Mac said Thursday. Its previous low of 4.17
: percent was reached in November.
: The last time long-term rates were lower was in the 1950s, when 30-year
: loans weren't widely available. Most long-term home loans lasted 20 or 25
: years.
: Few expect record-low rates to energize the depressed home market. Over the
: past year, the average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage has been below 5

发帖数: 13043
how much is canada?
发帖数: 18523
5 years flexible 2.25%, fixed 3.75%
if you can pay off the house within 3-5 years, you just pay 2.25% more or
发帖数: 17328
can anybody explain the mortgage rate? what does it mean 4% for 30 years.
any inflation will make banks have negative yield. or banks are sure that it
won't have any inflation? it is kind of stupid idea to keep mortgage or
keep interest rate so low. Banks don't make money even they want to make
loans because the low interest rate cannot justify the risk.
发帖数: 258
because FED is lending them with 0%.


【在 s********i 的大作中提到】
: can anybody explain the mortgage rate? what does it mean 4% for 30 years.
: any inflation will make banks have negative yield. or banks are sure that it
: won't have any inflation? it is kind of stupid idea to keep mortgage or
: keep interest rate so low. Banks don't make money even they want to make
: loans because the low interest rate cannot justify the risk.

发帖数: 3964
The average life of amortgage is probably 7~8 yr. Can be much shorter on
waves of refinance. All valuation is relative to then long term investments,
for example treasury, as we have seen 2% today... besides most banks don't
hold mortgages in their portfolio. Don't worry. Banks know how to take care
of themselves.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 s********i 的大作中提到】
: can anybody explain the mortgage rate? what does it mean 4% for 30 years.
: any inflation will make banks have negative yield. or banks are sure that it
: won't have any inflation? it is kind of stupid idea to keep mortgage or
: keep interest rate so low. Banks don't make money even they want to make
: loans because the low interest rate cannot justify the risk.

1 (共1页)
最后半小时会重复昨天么yesterday once more?恭喜马上买房和refin的同学,明年开始你们缴特别税了 (转载)
how can you miss so many chances????Obama to Seek Limited U.S. Mortgage Role
要绿了?肉牛满面啊Banks, banks! short gold/silver
air ticket jump a lot over night国内今天房地产股都暴跌阿
明天银行股可能会很惨,有新消息BAC 相对 FA 分析
This might be one reason why banks are weakFor Bank of America, Countrywide Bankruptcy Is Still an Option
10年大牛市, 怕什么Fed $400 Billion in Operation Twist Angurs Pain for Banks
包子求今天bby解读Greece's Piraeus and NBG to set up 'bad banks' as bad loans soar
话题: mortgage话题: percent话题: rate话题: years话题: over