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Stock版 - Analogy of U.S. debt problem
那个玩命买AMSC的DOUGLAS KEVIN是为啥?!!同学们再加把劲,就快8万了!!!
dell has 60b cash and zero debtInappropriate Analogy between Lehman Brothers and Dubai World
Here is why S&P downgraded ... (ZT)All the recent buy will be traped for long time
还是要看peCookiesweet, are you ok today?
no tax on capital gain?bac strong recently
有百万资金可以控盘DFany hope for PFE?
debts limit 可能还是个悬念。what's the recent comments by china2007
转一篇小学计算题why BAC up recently?
话题: 000话题: debt话题: analogy话题: budget话题: family
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20645
US tax revenue: $2,170.000,000,000
Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
New debt: $1,650.000,000,000
National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
Recent budget cut: $38,500,000,000 (actually, promises to spend less)
Now let's remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a family budget:
Annual Family Income: $21,700
Money the family spent: $38,200
New debt on those credit cards: $16,500
Outstanding debt on the credit cards: $142,710
Recent budget cut: $385 (or, we're sure gonna try to spend less)
1 (共1页)
why BAC up recently?no tax on capital gain?
run away if you can有百万资金可以控盘DF
is XIN a buy now?debts limit 可能还是个悬念。
Bought Gasoline转一篇小学计算题
那个玩命买AMSC的DOUGLAS KEVIN是为啥?!!同学们再加把劲,就快8万了!!!
dell has 60b cash and zero debtInappropriate Analogy between Lehman Brothers and Dubai World
Here is why S&P downgraded ... (ZT)All the recent buy will be traped for long time
还是要看peCookiesweet, are you ok today?
话题: 000话题: debt话题: analogy话题: budget话题: family