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Stock版 - This is the dfifferent between small guy and big guy
公开向村长,紫晶道歉。玩笑开了点。ES June 11
确认一下 T+3菜鸟我才知道filled跟settled不是一样的
why DOW has fallen 2000 points without rebounce问个FUND问题
why it takes so long to settle a trade??关于卖股票的settlement date
问一个关于scottetrade 的unsetlled fund的问题菜鸟急问unsettled fund 怎么算
为什么没有人报怨美股的T+3??My account can't buy any stock until the money settle....
话题: mccombs话题: guy话题: dfifferent话题: his话题: stock
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4342
When billionaire Billy Joe "Red" McCombs, co-founder of Clear Channel
Communications Inc., reported a $9.8 million loss on his tax return, he
failed to include about $259 million from a lucrative stock transaction.
After an audit, the Internal Revenue Service ordered him to pay $44.7
million in back taxes. McCombs, who is worth an estimated $1.4 billion and
is a former owner of the Minnesota Vikings, Denver Nuggets and San Antonio
Spurs sports franchises, sued the IRS, settling the case in March for about
half the disputed amount.
In the McCombs case, the billionaire entered into transactions known as
variable prepaid forward contracts. He received about $259 million for
lending an investment bank his Clear Channel shares with a promise to
deliver the stock for good a few years later. The arrangement enabled
McCombs to defer paying capital gains tax because he hadn't sold his shares,
lawyers for the billionaire said. The IRS deemed the transaction a sale
since the bank paid McCombs cash and got the use of his stock almost
发帖数: 4342
Bascially, McCombs shorted the stock against the box. we can do the same
thing, but we will not receive the cash from brokerage for shorting our
In his case, it was really a sale of his stock.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: When billionaire Billy Joe "Red" McCombs, co-founder of Clear Channel
: Communications Inc., reported a $9.8 million loss on his tax return, he
: failed to include about $259 million from a lucrative stock transaction.
: After an audit, the Internal Revenue Service ordered him to pay $44.7
: million in back taxes. McCombs, who is worth an estimated $1.4 billion and
: is a former owner of the Minnesota Vikings, Denver Nuggets and San Antonio
: Spurs sports franchises, sued the IRS, settling the case in March for about
: half the disputed amount.
: In the McCombs case, the billionaire entered into transactions known as
: variable prepaid forward contracts. He received about $259 million for

1 (共1页)
My account can't buy any stock until the money settle....问一个关于scottetrade 的unsetlled fund的问题
公开向村长,紫晶道歉。玩笑开了点。ES June 11
确认一下 T+3菜鸟我才知道filled跟settled不是一样的
why DOW has fallen 2000 points without rebounce问个FUND问题
why it takes so long to settle a trade??关于卖股票的settlement date
话题: mccombs话题: guy话题: dfifferent话题: his话题: stock