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Stock版 - 这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证 (转载)
同学们,太平盛世啊!美国的明天一马平川!今天 f 怎么跌了这么多?
Sen. Chuck Schumer concerned about iPhone各位大牛,将炒股所得按business 报税急问
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话题: schumer话题: said话题: sen话题: lefrak话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3130
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: laodou (别拿豆包不当干粮), 信区: Military
标 题: 这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 5 16:42:08 2011, 美东)
Buy a US House, Get a 3-Year Visa: Sen. Schumer
A new Senate bill would help spur demand in U.S. housing by offering foreign
investors a three-year "homeowners visa" if they invest half a million
dollars cash and stay in the house for 180 days, co-sponsor Sen. Charles
Schumer told CNBC Monday.
"We all know housing is dragging down our economy and the problem is basic
supply and demand," said the New York Democrat.
The bill, co-sponsored with Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, "simply increases
the demand. There are literally millions of people around the world, many of
them retirees, some not, who would like to live here in America."
The residency requirement will force these investors to pay federal and
property taxes, Schumer pointed out, and is intended to allay immigration
"We have to straighten out our immigration policy," Schumer said. "
Immigrants are good for America. We should not just have people who cross
the border illegally."
His visa bill is "not a path to citizenship," he stressed. But those who
come using the visa can renew it every three years "as long as they stay in
the U.S."
In the same interview real estate mogul Richard Lefrak, head of the Lefrak
Organization, who said he first suggested the "homeowners visa" idea three
years ago, said the bill's provision to make it easier for Chinese citizens
to visit the U.S. will draw more monied entrepreneurs, which will prompt
more U.S. investment.
He said that "40 percent of the wealthy people in China would like to leave.
I mean they’re going to want to come here and they’re going to want to
spend money and start businesses and buy the homes."
Same for the Brazilians, said investor Wilbur Ross, CEO of WL Ross & Co. "
You're already seeing it in Florida," he said, noting that 20 percent of all
the residential real estate sales in Miami last year was by Brazilians.
He and Lefrak said the residency requirement may scare some investors away
but acknowledged having that provision makes the bill politically palatable.
"If we tap some of the wealth in Asia, think how it would help housing" in
California, Las Vegas, Florida and other troubled real estate markets,
Lefrak said. "Any bill that has the support of Sen. Schumer and Sen. Lee, on
opposite sides of the political spectrum, means there’s some merit to the
发帖数: 1114
I guess They really think chinese are rich and stupid.


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: laodou (别拿豆包不当干粮), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 5 16:42:08 2011, 美东)
: Buy a US House, Get a 3-Year Visa: Sen. Schumer
: A new Senate bill would help spur demand in U.S. housing by offering foreign
: investors a three-year "homeowners visa" if they invest half a million
: dollars cash and stay in the house for 180 days, co-sponsor Sen. Charles
: Schumer told CNBC Monday.
: "We all know housing is dragging down our economy and the problem is basic

发帖数: 6806

【在 i**********2 的大作中提到】
: I guess They really think chinese are rich and stupid.
: foreign

发帖数: 3130
His visa bill is "not a path to citizenship," he stressed. But those who
come using the visa can renew it every three years "as long as they stay in
the U.S."

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 还行吧,
: 有钱人买个房子,带着小孩在这边上学比在国内上学强多了吧.
: 买房又不是一定指望房价涨.有个survey说40%的中国有钱人想leave

发帖数: 1357


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: laodou (别拿豆包不当干粮), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 5 16:42:08 2011, 美东)
: Buy a US House, Get a 3-Year Visa: Sen. Schumer
: A new Senate bill would help spur demand in U.S. housing by offering foreign
: investors a three-year "homeowners visa" if they invest half a million
: dollars cash and stay in the house for 180 days, co-sponsor Sen. Charles
: Schumer told CNBC Monday.
: "We all know housing is dragging down our economy and the problem is basic

发帖数: 6806
对啊, 我指的是10来岁的小孩带过来上初中高中,然后上常春藤.


【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: His visa bill is "not a path to citizenship," he stressed. But those who
: come using the visa can renew it every three years "as long as they stay in
: the U.S."

1 (共1页)
退休的人/Insurance companies/Pension Fund 被害惨了商务部长:中报复美「子弹已经用完」 欧美股市涨声响起
同学们,太平盛世啊!美国的明天一马平川!今天 f 怎么跌了这么多?
Sen. Chuck Schumer concerned about iPhone各位大牛,将炒股所得按business 报税急问
话题: schumer话题: said话题: sen话题: lefrak话题: he