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Stock版 - 此牛人预测RESESSION马上到来!
跳水台搭好了吗?sell in may 有啥依据没
This is same stuff as 2007Breaking News: Dow Jones Industrial Average Index 1:10 Split
US stocks: Dow Jones Industrial Average gets rid of the bearish trend今年的记录
稀土今天gap up?@?2010 FAS buying selling strategy session
明天可能要crash,来个400点跌幅Has the U.S. Stock Market Discounted a Recession?
谁还记得某天不到1个小时就掉了1000多点?E-reader price war started
Stay away from bubble and all in blue chips大盘跌一下就有人嚷嚷double dip?
话题: market话题: my话题: readers话题: stock话题: march
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1197
His first five predictions have already come true!
Critical Warning Number Six
Fail to heed this final warning at your own risk!
Dear Reader:
Something very big will happen in America within the next 180 days.
It will be more devastating than the credit crisis of 2008.
For most people, it will hit them like a brick wall.
It will touch Americans harder and deeper than anything else we’ve seen
since the Great Depression.
I feel so strongly about the critical warning I’m about to give you, I’ve
decided to document it in this audio-video presentation. And I’ve labeled
this a controversial video, because most people will not like what I have to
say…they will find it hard to believe until they see all the facts as I
present them.
My name is Michael Lombardi. You may have heard of me. Maybe you are one of
the hundreds of thousand of investors who get my daily Profit Confidential
Or maybe you’ve heard of my company, Lombardi Publishing Corporation. I
started it back in 1986. It’s served over one million customers in 141
countries since then.
Over the past decade, I’ve been widely recognized as the predictor of five
major economic events.
Here they are for you in black and white:
In 2002, I started advising my readers to buy gold-related investments. Gold
bullion sold for less than $300 an ounce back then. In fact, in 2002, I put
all of my retirement money, and all of my wife’s, in gold-related
investments. I’ve been pushing gold for almost 10 years now.
In 2006, I begged my readers to get out of the housing market. I have
nothing to hide. This is the exact e-mail alert I sent to my readers on
March 1, 2006:
“The proof the party is over in the U.S. housing market could not be
clearer to me. The price action of the new-home builder stocks is telling
the true story—these stocks are falling in price daily and the media is not
picking it up. The latecomers to the U.S. housing market may end up looking
like the latecomers to the tech-stock rally that ended so abruptly in 1999.”
Remember, I wrote the above in 2006 when the last thing on people’s minds
were declining real estate prices.
In late 2006, I started predicting that the U.S. economy would be in a
recession in late 2007. Here’s what I said back on November 13, 2006:
“It’s disappointing more hasn’t been written on the popular financial
sites and in the newspapers about the real threat of a recession happening
in 2007. I want my readers to be fully aware of my economic opinion: I
wouldn’t be surprised to see the U.S. economy in a recession sometime in
2007. In fact, I expect it.”
Again, I wrote this back in late 2006—and everyone thought I was way off…
until the actual recession hit.
By the spring of 2007, I was giving dire warnings to my readers about the
economy. On March 22, 2007, I sent this e-mail dispatch to my readers:
“Over the past few weeks I’ve written about subprime lenders and how their
demise will hurt the U.S. housing market, the economy and the stock market.
There’s no escaping the carnage headed our way because the housing market
and subprime business are falling apart. The worst of our problems, because
of the easy money made available to borrowers, which fueled the housing boom
that peaked in 2005, have yet to arrive.”
I was warning about the severe global recession we experienced in 2008 and
2009 long before anyone else.
And I totally predicted the 2008 economic massacre that later become simply
labeled the “credit crisis.” On November 29, 2007, I wrote my followers:
“The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 and the other major stock
market indices finished yesterday with the best two-day showing since 2002.
I’m looking at the market rally of the past two days as a classic stock
market bear trap. As the economy gets closer to contraction, 2008 will
likely be a most challenging economic year for Americans.”
Years after I wrote the above, it was widely recognized that October 2007
was the top for the stock market. And, yes, 2008 was the worst year for the
U.S. economy since the Great Depression.
Finally, I correctly predicted the crash in the stock market of 2008 and
early 2009. I even wrote an obituary on the stock market in the fall of 2008
that made me somewhat of a forecasting legend:
Here’s what I e-mail-blasted to over 100,000 people on October 6, 2008:
“A Stock Market’s Obituary: It is with great sadness that we announce the
passing of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. After a strong and courageous
battle, the Dow Jones fell victim to a credit crisis and finally succumbed
on Friday, October 3, 2008, when it fell decisively below the mid-point
between its 2002 low and its 2007 high.”
The Dow Jones Industrial fell approximately 40% after I wrote this now
famous “Stock Market Obituary,” finally hitting bottom on March 9, 2009,
when the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 6,440.
Then…at the depth of the dark days of March 2009, I sent an e-mail alert to
my thousands of readers and told them to “jump into the stock market with
both feet. “
I turned bullish on stocks in March of 2009 and rode the bear market rally
from 6,440 on March 9, 2009, to 12,876 on May 2, 2011—a gain of 99%. On May
2, 2011 I told my readers a stock market crash was headed our way. From May
2, 2011 to October 4, 2011, the Dow Jones Industrials fell 2,472 points.
To recap my big five predictions that all came true, I:
1.Told my readers to get into gold in 2002;
2.Told them to get out of the housing market in 2006;
3.Predicted the recession of late 2007;
4.Told my readers to get out of stocks in the fall of 2008; and
5.Told my readers to get back into stocks in March of 2009.
I didn’t spend the last five minutes of your time telling you about my five
key predictions so I could pat myself on the back. Far from it.
In fact, I’m a humble person who prefers a low-key profile. I have a Master
’s Degree in International Finance from one of Europe's oldest universities
. Most importantly, I’m a successful businessman with a deep love of
economic analysis and the stock market.
What I’m about to tell you, my prediction number six, which is about to
happen, is so off the wall, so controversial, I didn’t want you to think it
was coming from some kind of quack. It’s coming from someone with a proven
track record at making economic and financial forecasts.
Let’s fast forward to February of 2012, where we are today.
The economy is slowing. Retail sales in the U.S. are running at their
slowest pace in five months. After trillions of dollars the government has
pumped into the economy to revive it, U.S. corporations ended the 2011 with
their slowest profit growth in two years.
Last year was the worst year for new home sales in the U.S. since 1963! And
a glut of foreclosed resale homes still overhangs the housing market.
Housing prices are set to fall again in 2012.
What economist like me really like to look at, the underemployment rate (
that’s the unemployment rate adjusted to include people who have given up
looking for work and part-time workers who want full times work) stands
stubbornly at 15% in the U.S.
Banking is still a mess. Europe’s debt crisis is a huge problem for
American banks; their exposure is close to $1 trillion.
Many European countries are in a recession again and I believe the United
States is on the cusp of falling back into a recession. Some will call it a
new recession. I will call it “Recession Part II.” But this is not the
real problem.
1 (共1页)
大盘跌一下就有人嚷嚷double dip?稀土今天gap up?@?
Buffett 说 no recessions in three years.谁还记得某天不到1个小时就掉了1000多点?
Yahoo 头条:“ A New Recession Is Unavoidable: ECRI“Stay away from bubble and all in blue chips
跳水台搭好了吗?sell in may 有啥依据没
This is same stuff as 2007Breaking News: Dow Jones Industrial Average Index 1:10 Split
US stocks: Dow Jones Industrial Average gets rid of the bearish trend今年的记录
话题: market话题: my话题: readers话题: stock话题: march