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Stock版 - Bulgaria Refuses To Join EuroZone
Do you know why USD shoot up today? (转载)Does the Euro Have a Future? George Soros.
Greece Set for Severe Bail-Out Conditions看样子拉稀猪要default
greece crisis (转载)请大家严肃讨论一个问题,为什么美国制造业不行了 ?日本,德国还好 ?
For Eurozone, the focal point isEurope’s High-Risk Gamble (ZZ)
Sharp fall in German economic growthFrance and Germany ready to agree tn euro rescue fund
德国最高法院今天将要 裁决 德国救助希腊是否违反宪法。谁比较熟悉欧洲市场option的?
希腊两年期国债的利率是 49.9% !Banks nowhere near deal on Greece
希腊1年期国债的利率是 82.1% !!!欧盟为什么不靠QE印钱来解决欧债问题?
话题: bulgaria话题: join话题: eurozone话题: refuses话题: eu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
Bulgaria declares: "The public rightly wants to know who would we
have to bailout when we join? It's too risky for us and it's also
not certain what the rules are and what are they likely to be in
one year or two."
Ouch. Remember back then when these Eastern European countries were
craving for the EU membership? You know EU is a zombie when even the
ex-Communists think it's a corrupted piece of crap.
1 (共1页)
欧盟为什么不靠QE印钱来解决欧债问题?Sharp fall in German economic growth
欧洲的会开完了没有?德国最高法院今天将要 裁决 德国救助希腊是否违反宪法。
update: And now there's another rumor about China saving the eurozone.希腊两年期国债的利率是 49.9% !
这是一个奖金市希腊1年期国债的利率是 82.1% !!!
Do you know why USD shoot up today? (转载)Does the Euro Have a Future? George Soros.
Greece Set for Severe Bail-Out Conditions看样子拉稀猪要default
greece crisis (转载)请大家严肃讨论一个问题,为什么美国制造业不行了 ?日本,德国还好 ?
For Eurozone, the focal point isEurope’s High-Risk Gamble (ZZ)
话题: bulgaria话题: join话题: eurozone话题: refuses话题: eu