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Stock版 - Bubble is not a scary thing.
I know this pain请教各位一个TA问题
two new things in the market, bubble or real?用maximize 杀call + 杀put算价格 合理吗?
Trump: Investors should get ready to feel ‘a little pain.大家买股票都看10-K或10-Q吗
Only one thing is for sure in the history of humanity: StuStock Picking is a Dead Art
5月17,18号做空nasdaq当前市场看法。 (转载)
中国所持近5000亿美元两房债或将血本无归(图)Good to see stocks with big bubbles
财报分析简介 4 及 总结 (转载)IMO, FB is a big bubble
话题: bubble话题: scary话题: thing话题: market话题: time
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3134
The most scary thing is when bubble comes, you are outside of the bubble.
Remember internet bubble? Nasdaq at 3000 should be considered a bubble at
the time. It would be much more painful at the time to see it all the way to
6000 if you are on the sideline. Don't time the market. If you are not sure
, just leave it in there. At least, not sell all at once.
Market can be wrong, but it can last as long as you are solvent.
发帖数: 6855
是,follow the trend。人太聪明就是怪癖,在股市就是赔钱货。


【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】
: The most scary thing is when bubble comes, you are outside of the bubble.
: Remember internet bubble? Nasdaq at 3000 should be considered a bubble at
: the time. It would be much more painful at the time to see it all the way to
: 6000 if you are on the sideline. Don't time the market. If you are not sure
: , just leave it in there. At least, not sell all at once.
: Market can be wrong, but it can last as long as you are solvent.

发帖数: 1998
I like your wisdom about solvency.
market can be more irrational than most people could imagine.


【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】
: The most scary thing is when bubble comes, you are outside of the bubble.
: Remember internet bubble? Nasdaq at 3000 should be considered a bubble at
: the time. It would be much more painful at the time to see it all the way to
: 6000 if you are on the sideline. Don't time the market. If you are not sure
: , just leave it in there. At least, not sell all at once.
: Market can be wrong, but it can last as long as you are solvent.

发帖数: 9084
All people who thought this way lost their money during internet bubble.
发帖数: 3134
Most people can be right, but they are right at the wrong time.
If one is humble enough to acknowledge that, he can have a lot of strategy
to deal with bubble without being wipe out.

【在 r***l 的大作中提到】
: All people who thought this way lost their money during internet bubble.
1 (共1页)
lnkd 的财报中国所持近5000亿美元两房债或将血本无归(图)
当前市场的中心在哪里?财报分析简介 4 及 总结 (转载)
I know this pain请教各位一个TA问题
two new things in the market, bubble or real?用maximize 杀call + 杀put算价格 合理吗?
Trump: Investors should get ready to feel ‘a little pain.大家买股票都看10-K或10-Q吗
Only one thing is for sure in the history of humanity: StuStock Picking is a Dead Art
话题: bubble话题: scary话题: thing话题: market话题: time