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Stock版 - s&p500 要去 1900了
I'm seeing massive breakout to 1350 for S&PCitigroup sees up to 20% market correction
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China zzsees we are going to see a tragedy day ah...
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in ChinaFed Minutes: Economy Can Grow Between 3.2% and 3.7% This Year
这就是男生寝室?TA = 扯淡
Is Steve Jobs Ignoring HistoryFed Downgrades Outlook, Sees GDP Growth at 3% - 3.5%
amd up 5.5% AH为啥瀑布了?
PCX今天大跌MY TIE is ready for new high
再见dow 10080Goldman Sees Big Things For Baidu
话题: birinyi话题: p500话题: he话题: 1900话题: 900
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2537
In the near term, Birinyi sees the S&P 500 going to 1,700, but in the longer
term (after 2013) he said the index could reach 1,900. He called the 1,900
number "guidance" based on historical parallels, instead of a target.
Birinyi's call earlier this year that the S&P would eclipse 1,600 came to
fruition, leading to another bullish prediction
1 (共1页)
Goldman Sees Big Things For BaiduIs Steve Jobs Ignoring History
What are you gonna do right now? (转载)amd up 5.5% AH
5555555555555555555555555再见dow 10080
I'm seeing massive breakout to 1350 for S&PCitigroup sees up to 20% market correction
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China zzsees we are going to see a tragedy day ah...
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in ChinaFed Minutes: Economy Can Grow Between 3.2% and 3.7% This Year
这就是男生寝室?TA = 扯淡
话题: birinyi话题: p500话题: he话题: 1900话题: 900