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Stock版 - GDX volume pinball
金子这一波哪里去?Happy New year from bac
通告一声,金矿又要大跌了BAC 大泻了!!!Obama,美国完了。
献图一个Market has topped
SHORT BIDU to death!熊熊们看不懂的新高
crash ?ADI looks interesting around 29
Short term pullback谈谈我的业余炒股经验
ZT The Sideways Correction今天涨得很犹豫,
话题: l1话题: shares话题: exhaustion话题: gdx话题: e1
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
Observe how heavy volume bars rule GDX chart: 1) They show up either
at the head or the tail of a move. 2) They could dictate boundaries
on subsequent price movement. 3) They tend to get retested.
E1 on Apr15: 74M shares, Selling exhaustion. Sideway for 2 months.
E2 on Jun20: 67M shares. Selling exhaustion.
L1 on Jun28: 75M shares. Excuse me! L1 launched rally.
L1 challenged E2 on Jul1: E2 pinned L1 rally down. L1 retested.
L1 challenged E1 on Jul23, E1 pinned renewed L1 rally down.
E3 on Aug6: 39M shares. Exhaustion while challenging L1.
L2 on Aug8: 65M shares. Excuse me! L2 launched another leg up.
E4 on Aug15: 66M shares. Exhaustion while challenging E1.
L3 on Aug27: 66M shares. Excuse me! L3 launched the down leg.
E5 on Sep12: 64M shares. Exhaustion while challenging L2.
L4 on Sep18: 110M shares. EEEEExcuse me!!! Backed by E2 & L2 it
knocked price back up.
Expect E4 & L3 to eat into the L4 rally and L4 to be retested some
day later. You know the drill now.
发帖数: 11523

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Observe how heavy volume bars rule GDX chart: 1) They show up either
: at the head or the tail of a move. 2) They could dictate boundaries
: on subsequent price movement. 3) They tend to get retested.
: E1 on Apr15: 74M shares, Selling exhaustion. Sideway for 2 months.
: E2 on Jun20: 67M shares. Selling exhaustion.
: L1 on Jun28: 75M shares. Excuse me! L1 launched rally.
: L1 challenged E2 on Jul1: E2 pinned L1 rally down. L1 retested.
: L1 challenged E1 on Jul23, E1 pinned renewed L1 rally down.
: E3 on Aug6: 39M shares. Exhaustion while challenging L1.
: L2 on Aug8: 65M shares. Excuse me! L2 launched another leg up.

发帖数: 8363

GDX chart says there's more legs to this rally. Expect a trip back
to 200DMA, and that's MQP.

【在 g***c 的大作中提到】
: 如果昨天晚上能分析出来,就牛逼了
: 现在有点MHP的感觉

发帖数: 11523


【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: GDX chart says there's more legs to this rally. Expect a trip back
: to 200DMA, and that's MQP.

发帖数: 8363

Notice GDX is going into the E1, E4 and L3 zone. Those 3 guys could
generate some selling so we might get dips as good entries.
Also GDX rallied past 20, 50 and 100 DMAs today. If it dips back to
those MAs then consider it as a good entry as well.

【在 g***c 的大作中提到】
: 赞
: mark
: 金神给个入口价吧

1 (共1页)
今天涨得很犹豫,crash ?
冒险捞一把.Short term pullback
The scenarios for FridayZT The Sideways Correction
金子这一波哪里去?Happy New year from bac
通告一声,金矿又要大跌了BAC 大泻了!!!Obama,美国完了。
献图一个Market has topped
SHORT BIDU to death!熊熊们看不懂的新高
话题: l1话题: shares话题: exhaustion话题: gdx话题: e1