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Stock版 - Listen from VJET
Jesse Livermore On Loss and Tips有人申请过option trading account吗?
投资不是投机。 Too many speculators here.炒股就是炒的胆子大.
中国放狠话了:做空人民币或面临法律严惩The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent zz
救助希腊开始price in了周二开盘要不要把银子股抛掉?
调整已经开始,大家先歇了吧long 新浪的偷偷的哭吧。
notable options next week哈哈!又压对!真给力!昨天捞的一千股CREE赚了!
Big Volume for 08-20WFMI什么状况?
future的问题请叫大牛, FA上怎么解释这个月的SLV price movement?
话题: vjet话题: listen话题: days话题: stock话题: sharing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 734
I want to share with you my experience on VJET.
on 12/10, I bought it at $39.50, almost highest on that day, speculating it
will have a v shape rebound on support line because it is a new stock which
is supposed to be energetic. It did not happen that way.it slipped down to $
Sine then I set up my first principle: Consider buying a stock only when it
resides on a important support trend line for 5 days. not one, two, three,
four days, but has to be at least 5 days.
发帖数: 734
it just drops to $38.40. these guys watch mitbbs?
but this is good price to buy.


【在 w*******e 的大作中提到】
: I want to share with you my experience on VJET.
: on 12/10, I bought it at $39.50, almost highest on that day, speculating it
: will have a v shape rebound on support line because it is a new stock which
: is supposed to be energetic. It did not happen that way.it slipped down to $
: 34.
: Sine then I set up my first principle: Consider buying a stock only when it
: resides on a important support trend line for 5 days. not one, two, three,
: four days, but has to be at least 5 days.

发帖数: 1262
it is also a 3D printer stock, would synchronize with DDD
add to the watchlist, thanks for the analysis.


【在 w*******e 的大作中提到】
: I want to share with you my experience on VJET.
: on 12/10, I bought it at $39.50, almost highest on that day, speculating it
: will have a v shape rebound on support line because it is a new stock which
: is supposed to be energetic. It did not happen that way.it slipped down to $
: 34.
: Sine then I set up my first principle: Consider buying a stock only when it
: resides on a important support trend line for 5 days. not one, two, three,
: four days, but has to be at least 5 days.

发帖数: 10555
thanks for sharing.


【在 w*******e 的大作中提到】
: I want to share with you my experience on VJET.
: on 12/10, I bought it at $39.50, almost highest on that day, speculating it
: will have a v shape rebound on support line because it is a new stock which
: is supposed to be energetic. It did not happen that way.it slipped down to $
: 34.
: Sine then I set up my first principle: Consider buying a stock only when it
: resides on a important support trend line for 5 days. not one, two, three,
: four days, but has to be at least 5 days.

1 (共1页)
请叫大牛, FA上怎么解释这个月的SLV price movement?调整已经开始,大家先歇了吧
再说一遍,别玩垃圾notable options next week
证监会:没有推出股指期权具体计划Big Volume for 08-20
There are two cases when you can not speculatefuture的问题
Jesse Livermore On Loss and Tips有人申请过option trading account吗?
投资不是投机。 Too many speculators here.炒股就是炒的胆子大.
中国放狠话了:做空人民币或面临法律严惩The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent zz
救助希腊开始price in了周二开盘要不要把银子股抛掉?
话题: vjet话题: listen话题: days话题: stock话题: sharing