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Stock版 - 最后一谈: 我的P股...
药股回调, 机会多多, 备好银子准备上场吧村长弄那么多新闻帖干啥?
下一个ARNAARNA explosion!!!
罗妹妹卖pick老贴摘录Carrix, 你的ARNA还在吗?
话题: my话题: gale话题: like话题: time话题: tomorrow
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 703
本人从未说"屁股"2字 (now I say it for explanation), 我的P股(Picked股票)成了
知耻进乎勇, 发包子合逻辑, 马夹继续出来萎缩...我看的起您!!!
再说"屁股"2字, 每人都有, 无可厚非, 可一蛋和买卖二字相连, 好说不好听啊....关
键是您的贴子, 我没卖,也没串改,我进小黑屋, 有天理吗???
自认正能量, who cares, not even myself, however, all my picks are in those
posts in the past one month, if you care to take a look...you will be happy
for me for my picks...
谢版主及版上的正能量朋友们,happy new year 明年发大财!!!
发帖数: 4170
发帖数: 583
赞 happy new year 大家共同富裕

【在 p**********e 的大作中提到】
: 本人从未说"屁股"2字 (now I say it for explanation), 我的P股(Picked股票)成了
: 某些人嘴里的屁股...您丢不丢,羞不羞啊...让我这个无人瞧的起的生物WSN都不齿啊--
: 您是"伟"人!
: 知耻进乎勇, 发包子合逻辑, 马夹继续出来萎缩...我看的起您!!!
: 再说"屁股"2字, 每人都有, 无可厚非, 可一蛋和买卖二字相连, 好说不好听啊....关
: 键是您的贴子, 我没卖,也没串改,我进小黑屋, 有天理吗???
: 自认正能量, who cares, not even myself, however, all my picks are in those
: posts in the past one month, if you care to take a look...you will be happy
: for me for my picks...
: 回家过年喽....

发帖数: 703
I am in the dark room again???
发帖数: 2743
那个恶毒造谣生事的“慕雪”进黑屋了!很开心!Good team work! :)

【在 p**********e 的大作中提到】
: 本人从未说"屁股"2字 (now I say it for explanation), 我的P股(Picked股票)成了
: 某些人嘴里的屁股...您丢不丢,羞不羞啊...让我这个无人瞧的起的生物WSN都不齿啊--
: 您是"伟"人!
: 知耻进乎勇, 发包子合逻辑, 马夹继续出来萎缩...我看的起您!!!
: 再说"屁股"2字, 每人都有, 无可厚非, 可一蛋和买卖二字相连, 好说不好听啊....关
: 键是您的贴子, 我没卖,也没串改,我进小黑屋, 有天理吗???
: 自认正能量, who cares, not even myself, however, all my picks are in those
: posts in the past one month, if you care to take a look...you will be happy
: for me for my picks...
: 回家过年喽....

发帖数: 1204
发帖数: 703
Not worth it wasting too much time here based on my one month experience,
even though I did have a lot of fun and "met" a few great friend here, some
of them left which I will follow, all I could do is wishing them the best of
luck making money. This will be my last day having fun here, hopefully (if
I could resist, I like those jokes, humors and wisdom here).
Don't worry about them, we are living our own life with our own moral
standard. Try to make money and have a happy life, postdoc or whatever as
they talked about showing whom they are, but not who I am, I felt sorry for
Hopefully you can spend more time learning in the stock market and hope you
can make big money too.
I am a beginner in stock market as well and got some beginner's luck so far
this year. There are a lot of lessons in all sorts of books, all I would
like to point out based on my experience is gambling with a clear reason,
try not to touch those 50/50 thing (easy say than done, I am still training
myself on it now)...I do not like statistics, but preset your p or chance in
your mind will help a lot...
Good luck and have a happy new year!

【在 E**********r 的大作中提到】
: 那个恶毒造谣生事的“慕雪”进黑屋了!很开心!Good team work! :)
: 以它们的德性,以后应该会蓄意报复,我们小心为上。

发帖数: 703
am I in the dark room now, just curious...
发帖数: 5435

evidently, you are not。
Gale 咋样?我看着想进。

【在 p**********e 的大作中提到】
: am I in the dark room now, just curious...
发帖数: 5435

我最喜欢的理由是:对版主不敬。 :)

【在 p**********e 的大作中提到】
: am I in the dark room now, just curious...
发帖数: 703
It has been on my radar for a while, but there are so many opportunities
there that I did not follow it closely--I have wasted too much time for fun
here these days due to holidays...so I deleted most of my posts tonight and
trying to focus more on stocks and learning options...
GALE is still a good stock with up potential at least a couple of $$ in a
couple of months time frame, unless 大盘 crash end of January (less likely,
who knows, as we discussed last time, I still remember I said hopefully not
tomorrow, but it happened right next day!!!) I GUESS, could be wrong (like
my recent buy of RMTI at 13.7 after selling 1/3 of the same shares at 14.8,
not bad in a long run, but some money will stuck there for a while), the
question is when and how long it will last. So if you buy such a stock, you
may have to be careful to follow it closely, not like my ARNA, which I don'
t need to worry at all (the only under water one in my portfolio by $0.1
GALE is good but I will not buy for several reasons, 1. I past the best in
time, 2. I have too many others to follow up, such as IDRA, need my
attention first before the news coming out any time...3. there might be
other better picks now, as you know, I buy dip, if I miss it, it is not mine
, just try to catch something else then...
so all up to you on GALE, timing and follow how the market move closely as
you always do, I really like your move on the $15 one the day after our
discussion, very impressive. I have one pick which I need to follow closely
tomorrow, I MIGHT buy some, check your mail and see how you feels about it
since I don't know FA, TA or all sorts of fancy techniques people talked
about here (I bought some at 4.28 on 17th and sold at 4.89 on 20th, trying
to buy back tomorrow if still around 5...I will have to sell some profit
stocks for money first tomorrow morning though...
Please don't reply to this post, I will delete it after you see it as I know
you work late...I'd like to disappear from tomorrow from this 是非之地...

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mitbbs.com/bbsdoc/Notice.html
: 我最喜欢的理由是:对版主不敬。 :)

1 (共1页)
The evidence to show how smart Tooearly is!!下一个ARNA
哪些个股是 大盘变化 的 indicator?罗妹妹卖pick老贴摘录
brookxi's pick: who in this board pulled up the price before closing我记得当年
药股回调, 机会多多, 备好银子准备上场吧村长弄那么多新闻帖干啥?
话题: my话题: gale话题: like话题: time话题: tomorrow