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Stock版 - 国女教授如何伺候老黑,获众黑一致好评 (转载)
什么网站可以把很多年每个月的OE date一起都列出来?ELI LILLY今天怎么暴涨
方舟子和孟山都及转基因的隐秘联系ZT (转载)借助今天LILLY的大利空消息,MM开始推动医药股拉盘
请转 马里兰版 -- 超级WSN (转载)最近药股并购不少, CLCD被Lilly买了,下一个会是谁?
卡,ARIA 盘后又发疯(讨论)关于Ultrashort ETF 和情绪指标的关系
aria 的消息是真是假,看明天走势就知道了。多少钱你会买
FDA Approves Eli Lilly’s Cyramza for Lung CancerZT 经济学不是科学
话题: women话题: black话题: asian话题: reply话题: dating
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18251
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: fddzwm (肥嘟嘟左卫门), 信区: Military
标 题: 国女教授如何伺候老黑,获众黑一致好评
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 5 00:12:03 2014, 美东)
Tyson Warren3 weeks ago
shes pretty wow.
Reply · 2
Lily, how are you? Let's talk some time. I appreciate a great intellectual
conversation. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Reply ·
lisa evers5 days ago
I don't get why Lily feels the need to post video after video and blogs to
rationalize her and other asian women's preference to dating outside their
race. Clearly they have guilty consciences or they wouldn't be on here
trying to put such a positive spin on it with endless videos and blogs on
this very topic. This is not all about 'isn't this a wonderful world and
isn't inter-racial dating wonderful and isn't it great how open minded we
are'? No, this preponderance of asian women 'dating out' is clearly based
in self-hate on their part, and racial stereotypes and fetishes and a desire
for trophy mates. It almost seems like Lilly paid her friend to do this
video to further rationalize Lilly's own choice in marrying a black man.
Lilly probably even wrote the script that her friend was very obviously
reading. Could this be any more transparent? Oh yeah, this 'speech' sounds
all well and good but the bottom line is that many asian women hate being
asian. FACT. And many black men hate being black. FACT. And they seek
people outside their own race so they can feel better about themselves.
Inter-racial dating in general is a wonderful thing. I really believe that.
But when you see sooooo many asian women dating outside their race, and so
many black men (especially 'upwardly mobile' black men or professional
black ball players) with light skinned wives, it's clear that many people
are choosing who to date (or who NOT to date) based on race. Once I start
to see more black women with non-black men, and more asian men with non-
asian women, that is the day I'll know we are truly starting to move beyond
stereotypes. Until then it's just the same old stereotypes being played out
. Asian women have become the new white women for black men...the new flava
of the month. And asian women, who saw white men as trophies, are now
feeling a bit bolder and ready to try out the
'elusive big black man' (oooohhh). And for the black man, he's now ready to
try out the 'exotic dutiful asian women'. So it's a no brainer...they are
both helping each other out in the dating world...the self-hating black men
can feel better with a light-skinned women on their arm, and the self-hating
asian women can feel better that they don't have to be with a guy who (as
they ridiculously will often explain) makes them feel like they are dating
their own cousin. lol People can be so incredibly insecure I tell ya... So
Read more (24 lines)
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John Reed2 days ago
LisaEvers is pathetic. You wrote a term paper on your own insecurities. Sad.

Reply ·
Keenan Palmer4 days ago
Btw, you were excellent. Thank you. 
Reply ·
1 (共1页)
ZT 经济学不是科学卡,ARIA 盘后又发疯
bought 50k FNMaria 的消息是真是假,看明天走势就知道了。
watch ctrpFDA Approves Eli Lilly’s Cyramza for Lung Cancer
什么网站可以把很多年每个月的OE date一起都列出来?ELI LILLY今天怎么暴涨
方舟子和孟山都及转基因的隐秘联系ZT (转载)借助今天LILLY的大利空消息,MM开始推动医药股拉盘
请转 马里兰版 -- 超级WSN (转载)最近药股并购不少, CLCD被Lilly买了,下一个会是谁?
话题: women话题: black话题: asian话题: reply话题: dating