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Stock版 - Fire Phone Receiving 4-star Review On Day1
amazon lost 170 million on fire smart phoneKindle Fire Bad News(B&N partners with Google)
这么牛的大盘 AMZN怎么这么怂?Big signal was received
Amazon又悄悄往回涨了对fire phone的看法
嚎叫着捞AMZN@286amazon 感觉挺悲催的
amzn next Q 250 million loss, w/ 1.5B cash in hand, BK soon?What will you get to do?
Microsoft CEO will receive $84.3 million this year (转载)deal announced
贝佐斯说kindle的出货量都破纪录了,正在追加订单。。。。mega millions over 100M 啦!
此轮调整已经结束, 捞AMZN !!!KCG 今天这个鸡是可以偷得吗?
话题: amazon话题: fire话题: phone话题: receiving话题: had
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 353
For those of you who thought Fire Phone would be a complete failure,
it may not happen.
Sure Amazon has spent too much time and money on it, and the development
process has been painful. But it had NO CHOICE - a mobile device had to
be a critical part of Amazon's ecosystem - so critical that it could not
afford passing on.
Now looks like Amazon has managed to deliver something better than
mediocore. It may not be any threat to iPhone in the near term, although
some users did say it's the best Android phone out there in the market.
Historicall other Amazon devices had received lower ratings at their debut
while later their ratings improved when customers got more used to them.
For example, Kindle Paperwhite started with a 3.5-star review and climbed to
4.5-star over time.
Despite that Amazon reported a disappointing quarter, I remain bullish about
the company. With Fire Phone receiving decent reviews, it may sell more
units than most people had expected. It's not a phone for everyone but
there will be people open to it. After all, Amazon has some 20 millions
Prime members. Millions of Fire Phones in users' hands will help enhance
Amazon's ecosystem and fuel its revenue growth in the long run.
I am long AMZN.
发帖数: 1638
美国人就是好骗,fire phone这种玩意也有人粉
不过Amazon估计也算是有些粉丝的,弄个纸盒也能忽悠几个傻得(毕竟20M prime用户
老实说,fire phone也就是另外一个Android phone,烂暂时还谈不上,关键是价格不
给力,如果卖no contract 399,这里一片“革命机”的呼声了。
发帖数: 4593
这个我早就在 fire phone 刚发布时就给了分析。
看这个原帖 http://www.mitbbs.com/article0/Stock/35644255_0.html
1. 价格太高,$199(with 2 year contract), $650(without contract).
这个价可以买两个 Nexus 5.
2,locked to ATT
那些喜欢玩新玩意的人,最讲究性价比,最恨 locked to ATT 二年合同。
3. 还在用 720P 屏,那有些太落后了吧,不能跟其他的旗舰级的电话比,HTC M8,
Samsung S5, LG G3 and Sony Z2 都是这个价,有时还更便宜。
4. 3D 完全是噱头。特别是在4.7" 屏上没什么大用场。放在 7-10"
tablets 上到是不错。 看 3D movie,game 会好些。
5. Locked to Amazon service. No gmail, no gmap and no google
playStore Apps.
Google 是原创 Android. Amazon 的平台,技术比Google 还是差不少。
1 (共1页)
KCG 今天这个鸡是可以偷得吗?amzn next Q 250 million loss, w/ 1.5B cash in hand, BK soon?
10 reasons why AAPL is extremely bullishMicrosoft CEO will receive $84.3 million this year (转载)
what to watch for apple's ER贝佐斯说kindle的出货量都破纪录了,正在追加订单。。。。
nok此轮调整已经结束, 捞AMZN !!!
amazon lost 170 million on fire smart phoneKindle Fire Bad News(B&N partners with Google)
这么牛的大盘 AMZN怎么这么怂?Big signal was received
Amazon又悄悄往回涨了对fire phone的看法
嚎叫着捞AMZN@286amazon 感觉挺悲催的
话题: amazon话题: fire话题: phone话题: receiving话题: had