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Stock版 - 国际指数公司MSCI明晟宣布将A股纳入其新兴市场指数。
问一下fidelity的ETFFXCM Emerges as Potential Buyer of Alpari UK
World's Biggest Pension to Start Emerging Stocks Investment【小小机构】Upgrade SPY as neutral 11/12
今后五年,一个小小的计划股市止跌各国出招 印尼最绝:无限期休市!
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文贵节目再播下去,A股要完了英美,伊朗,石油,沙特,中国 (转载)
股版不缺大牛GM to recall sport cars, after hammering Toyota, Honda
话题: msci话题: china话题: index话题: market话题: markets
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 894
发帖数: 131
Results of MSCI 2015 Market Classification Review
China A‐Shares on Track for Inclusion
MSCI and CSRC Will Form Working Group to Address Remaining Issues  
Geneva – June 9, 2015 – MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), the premier provider of
global equity indexes, announced today that it
expects to include China A‐shares in its global benchmarks after a few
important remaining issues related to market
accessibility have been resolved. MSCI and the China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC) will form a working
group to contribute to the successful resolution of these issues.
“Substantial progress has been made toward the opening of the Chinese
equity market to institutional investors,” said
Remy Briand, MSCI Managing Director and Global Head of Research. “In our
2015 consultation, we learned that major
investors around the world are eager for further liberalization of the China
A‐shares market, especially with regard to
the quota allocation process, capital mobility restrictions and beneficial
ownership of investments.”
Briand continued, “Because MSCI’s client base is so large and diverse, we
have a strong interest in ensuring that
remaining issues are addressed in an orderly and transparent way.  
;We are honored that the CSRC has recognized
MSCI’s expertise regarding the requirements of international institutional
investors. We look forward to a fruitful
collaboration that will contribute to the further opening of the China A‐
shares markets to international investors and
the inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.”
MSCI stated that it may announce the decision to include China A‐shares in
the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon
as the issues it has outlined are resolved. This may happen outside the
regular schedule of its annual Market
Classification Review.
In today’s announcement, MSCI also said that it will include the MSCI
Pakistan Index in its 2016 Annual Market
Classification Review for a potential reclassification to emerging markets.&
In addition, MSCI said that it will seek feedback from international
institutional investors on the accessibility of the
Saudi Arabia equity market following its opening on June 1, 2015 before
considering adding the MSCI Saudi Arabia
Index to the review list for a potential inclusion in the MSCI Emerging
Markets Index.  MSCI always requires a period of
monitoring in order to assess whether a policy change is effectively
operating as intended.
发帖数: 131
Results of MSCI 2015 Market Classification Review
China A‐Shares on Track for Inclusion
MSCI and CSRC Will Form Working Group to Address Remaining Issues  
Geneva – June 9, 2015 – MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), the premier provider of
global equity indexes, announced today that it
expects to include China A‐shares in its global benchmarks after a few
important remaining issues related to market
accessibility have been resolved. MSCI and the China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC) will form a working
group to contribute to the successful resolution of these issues.
“Substantial progress has been made toward the opening of the Chinese
equity market to institutional investors,” said
Remy Briand, MSCI Managing Director and Global Head of Research. “In our
2015 consultation, we learned that major
investors around the world are eager for further liberalization of the China
A‐shares market, especially with regard to
the quota allocation process, capital mobility restrictions and beneficial
ownership of investments.”
Briand continued, “Because MSCI’s client base is so large and diverse, we
have a strong interest in ensuring that
remaining issues are addressed in an orderly and transparent way.  
;We are honored that the CSRC has recognized
MSCI’s expertise regarding the requirements of international institutional
investors. We look forward to a fruitful
collaboration that will contribute to the further opening of the China A‐
shares markets to international investors and
the inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.”
MSCI stated that it may announce the decision to include China A‐shares in
the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon
as the issues it has outlined are resolved. This may happen outside the
regular schedule of its annual Market
Classification Review.
In today’s announcement, MSCI also said that it will include the MSCI
Pakistan Index in its 2016 Annual Market
Classification Review for a potential reclassification to emerging markets.&
In addition, MSCI said that it will seek feedback from international
institutional investors on the accessibility of the
Saudi Arabia equity market following its opening on June 1, 2015 before
considering adding the MSCI Saudi Arabia
Index to the review list for a potential inclusion in the MSCI Emerging
Markets Index.  MSCI always requires a period of
monitoring in order to assess whether a policy change is effectively
operating as intended.
发帖数: 368
MSCI stated that it may announce the decision to include China A‐shares in
the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon as the issues it has outlined are
resolved. 怎么看都是没被纳入
发帖数: 171

【在 b*********n 的大作中提到】
: MSCI stated that it may announce the decision to include China A‐shares in
: the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon as the issues it has outlined are
: resolved. 怎么看都是没被纳入

发帖数: 8812

【在 b*********n 的大作中提到】
: MSCI stated that it may announce the decision to include China A‐shares in
: the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon as the issues it has outlined are
: resolved. 怎么看都是没被纳入

发帖数: 131
发帖数: 170
发帖数: 8812

【在 Z******7 的大作中提到】
: 多简单的事儿啊,现在加不加入已经取决于中国方面了
发帖数: 368

【在 l******i 的大作中提到】
: 谨慎表示同意。
1 (共1页)
GM to recall sport cars, after hammering Toyota, HondaTraders Should Pay for Canceled Orders
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问一下fidelity的ETFFXCM Emerges as Potential Buyer of Alpari UK
World's Biggest Pension to Start Emerging Stocks Investment【小小机构】Upgrade SPY as neutral 11/12
今后五年,一个小小的计划股市止跌各国出招 印尼最绝:无限期休市!
话题: msci话题: china话题: index话题: market话题: markets