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Stock版 - 拿着望远镜也看不到一点通胀迹象, 啥原因?
股市里面活的长的重要一点是别做傻事富贵险中求 ALL IN IRE!
Aegeanboat:散户FA要关注什么?有感NFLXtomorrow economic data
Compare Twitter with Google?开盘前的经济数据不错。
Events and ERs for week 3/1-3/5卢麒元: 美联储何时加息 (转载)
Events and ERs for Week 3/29 - 4/2关于国债的答疑
Events and ERs for the week of 06/28/2010明天基本上-800到+800之间徘徊
Events for the week of Aug. 30 - Sept. 3下周有不少数据要出啊
话题: prices话题: compared话题: rate话题: apparel话题: jewelry
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 737
排除了衣服, 珠宝, 药品的涨价外, 其他东西都没涨, 所以通胀还是远远低于2%目标.
Researchers at the Dallas Fed point out that the recent spike in the PCE
index has been driven by unusually large price increases for goods such as
apparel, jewelry, motor vehicles, and drugs, and for services such as air
fares, school lunches, tickets for spectator sports and banking fees.
Apparel prices, for instance, are up at a 14% annual rate in the first two
months of the year, compared with a 0.9% decrease in 2015. Jewelry and watch
prices are up at a 62% annual rate, compared with a 0.7% drop in 2015.
Motor vehicle prices are up at a 3.2% rate, compared with a 0.2% rise last
year. Drug prices are up at an 11.5% rate, compared with a 1.7% increase
last year.
发帖数: 5600

【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: 排除了衣服, 珠宝, 药品的涨价外, 其他东西都没涨, 所以通胀还是远远低于2%目标.
: Researchers at the Dallas Fed point out that the recent spike in the PCE
: index has been driven by unusually large price increases for goods such as
: apparel, jewelry, motor vehicles, and drugs, and for services such as air
: fares, school lunches, tickets for spectator sports and banking fees.
: Apparel prices, for instance, are up at a 14% annual rate in the first two
: months of the year, compared with a 0.9% decrease in 2015. Jewelry and watch
: prices are up at a 62% annual rate, compared with a 0.7% drop in 2015.
: Motor vehicle prices are up at a 3.2% rate, compared with a 0.2% rise last
: year. Drug prices are up at an 11.5% rate, compared with a 1.7% increase

发帖数: 4393

【在 z***e 的大作中提到】
: 就是说扣除了通胀里高于2%的,剩下的低于2%是吧
1 (共1页)
下周有不少数据要出啊Events and ERs for week 3/1-3/5
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股市里面活的长的重要一点是别做傻事富贵险中求 ALL IN IRE!
Aegeanboat:散户FA要关注什么?有感NFLXtomorrow economic data
Compare Twitter with Google?开盘前的经济数据不错。
话题: prices话题: compared话题: rate话题: apparel话题: jewelry