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Stock版 - 一龙给员工的email
Saudi Fund in Talks to Invest in Tesla Buyout Deal不明白Elon为啥这么恨shorts
TSLA Q3 estimatesElon现在不说钱从哪来
TSLA Q3 可以盈利的沙特主权基金上个月70billion把旗下沙比克化工转给阿美
话题: tesla话题: our话题: model话题: sales话题: customers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 451
Last month, I noted in my email that the fundamental issue Tesla must
overcome is that our products remain too expensive for most people. We know
there are many people who want to buy Model 3, but simply can’t afford to
do so.
That is why we’re excited to announce today that we are now offering the
standard Model 3 at $35,000. This is a significant milestone for Tesla, the
culmination of years of hard work by employees across the company, and
something of which you should all be very proud. You can read the details of
the announcement on our blog: LINK HERE
In addition, we are also making the decision to shift all sales worldwide to
online only.
Last year, 78% of all Model 3 orders were placed online, rather than in a
store, and 82% of customers bought their Model 3 without ever having taken a
test drive. Customers can now buy a Tesla in North America via their phone
in about 1 minute, and that capability will soon be extended worldwide. We
are also making it much easier to try out and return a Tesla without a test
drive. You can now return a car within 7 days or 1,000 miles for a full
refund. Customers are becoming increasingly comfortable making purchases
online, and that is especially true for Tesla — which is a testament to the
products we make.
As a result, over the next few months, we will be winding down many of our
stores and significantly reducing our spend on sales and marketing, which
will help make the price changes we’ve announced today possible. Shifting
all sales online combined with other ongoing cost efficiency will enable us
to lower all vehicle prices by about 6% on average, allowing us to achieve
the $35,000 Model 3 price point.
A small number of stores in high-traffic locations will remain as galleries,
showcases and Tesla information centers. At the same time, we will be
increasing our investment in the Tesla service system and manufacturing, and
I expect that headcount to grow next year.
Unfortunately, this means that some jobs will be impacted or transitioned to
other areas of the business. This is a hard decision, but it necessary to
make our cars more affordable. Our sales team has fought on the front lines
of advancing our mission and has been our connection to hundreds of
thousands of customers along the way. I want to express my sincere gratitude
for all that you’ve done.
Kn the coming weeks, we will be evaluating all of our sales and marketing
organization to understand where there are operation efficiencies, and how
best to support the transition to online sales while also continuing to
deliver a truly awesome and education Tesla buying experience.
We’ll be sharing more information on this transition soon.
Thank you,
发帖数: 162
"Why should I believe you as opposed to my friend Elon while I am out here
watching this rocket land, which I think is really cool, and you are there
in front of your Apple Mac typing up an article saying Elon’s an idiot?"
发帖数: 3924
7天 全款退车?那是不是以后不用租车了。
发帖数: 1113

: 7天 全款退车?那是不是以后不用租车了。

【在 s********f 的大作中提到】
: 7天 全款退车?那是不是以后不用租车了。
1 (共1页)
靠,elon真的给David Einhorn寄了一包短裤!!!!TSLA Q3 estimates
女朋友背叛一龙了?TSLA Q3 可以盈利的
Saudi Fund in Talks to Invest in Tesla Buyout Deal不明白Elon为啥这么恨shorts
话题: tesla话题: our话题: model话题: sales话题: customers