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Stock版 - GDP projected to fall nearly 53% in the second quarter
4th Quarter GDP and Profit fallGDP increase of first quarter by 1.4% - third read
这是新闻的原话 falling far short of expectations.Jobless Claims Drop by 29,000 to 429,000
SBUX形成inverted hammer?10年bond 破3了!!!!!
如何计算和理解PE?SBUX PE 444.5 forward PE 22.36Quarters down more than 10%, from NIEDERHOFFER's website
GDP likely growed at only 1.3% annual rate for the second quarter this yearMIPS
China Second-Quarter GDP Rises 9.5% From Year AgoPWRD beat
Third-Quarter GDP Revised Down, Economy Grew 2%对明天13号星期五JPM Earnings的小小预测
经济,市场,危机AAPL results
话题: gdp话题: projected话题: 53%
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4527
GDP is now projected to fall nearly 53% in the second quarter, according to
a Fed gauge
1 (共1页)
Z miss了GDP likely growed at only 1.3% annual rate for the second quarter this year
大家的JCP都怎么办了?China Second-Quarter GDP Rises 9.5% From Year Ago
recommending RBN right hereThird-Quarter GDP Revised Down, Economy Grew 2%
intc: looks like intel beat经济,市场,危机
4th Quarter GDP and Profit fallGDP increase of first quarter by 1.4% - third read
这是新闻的原话 falling far short of expectations.Jobless Claims Drop by 29,000 to 429,000
SBUX形成inverted hammer?10年bond 破3了!!!!!
如何计算和理解PE?SBUX PE 444.5 forward PE 22.36Quarters down more than 10%, from NIEDERHOFFER's website
话题: gdp话题: projected话题: 53%