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Stock版 - 退休地点各有所爱,看看美国人怎么想的
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发帖数: 5038
Sorry to have to say this, but there are no best locations for retirement in
the USA, only possible locations.
Having retired almost five years ago, I wish there were a guide to where to
locate oneself in that stage of life but the simple fact is that life is
more complicated than a top ten list. Here are some of the considerations:
Does family matter in your life? If it does, many find that retiring in a
spot that offers the easiest access to the most relatives (grandchildren at
the top of the list) makes the most sense. In that case, you can be as happy
in Wyoming as in Florida.
Do friendships matter in your life? If so, you will likely want to remain in
the place where you have the deepest and most long-lasting friendships. My
dear mother is spending her retirement in International Falls, Minnesota,
the coldest spot in the Lower 48 states and has loved these years alongside
a wide group of friends.
Does weather matter in your life? Some people choose weather first, which is
the only explanation I can imagine for why someone would leave family and
friends to live in a small house built in a retirement community in Arizona
or Florida. but it works for them.
Do taxes matter in your life? If you are living on a pittance and want to
avoid taxes, the trick is to move to a state like Wyoming or Florida that
does not have state income taxes. They will get you with other taxes, but
you will feel good every April 15, when you only have to file federal taxes.
Does adventure matter most in your life? Then you might want to buy a large
rolling home and start driving the expressways in your attempt to visit
every national park or state capital in the country or, better yet, buy a
place on a Caribbean Island. While you can limit this part of your life to
annual vacations, some find great joy in living every day in a vacation
Do you want to return to a place that made you very happy? Some people move
back to the place they went to college or high school to recover the feeling
they had during their teens or twenties. They support the athletic teams,
take advantage of the environment, and live out their golden years in a
place like Lincoln, Nebraska, or Bloomington, Indiana.
Retirement is delightful for most largely because it lets you make decisions
based on something other than where you can draw a paycheck. But don’t
expect a stranger to tell you where you will be the happiest. Life is more
complicated than that.
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