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Taiwan版 - Taiwan, China to Have Weekend Flights Starting July 4
Poor Chinese, They Just Don't Get it.中国公民无绿卡H1B可以去台湾工作吗?
taiwan经济现在好像真的很惨?Taiwan/China Common Market
Taiwan's Nov. Unemployment Rate JumpsIn Q4 2008, Taiwan GDP Growth Rate: -22%
Taiwan's Worth if China Pays Cash欧巴马对蔡英文当选对台海两岸稳定的影响很担心
我正经问一下儿write some note about my visit of Taiwan
Fantastic Idea: China to Build Railways Across StraitChina to Taiwan phone call volume drops first time in 11
话题: china话题: taiwan话题: flights话题: ma话题: july
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
The flights will have to go through Hong Kong, instead of directly from
Shanghai or Beijing, for example, to Taiwan. Only Taiwanese and selected
groups of PRC Chinese may fly--no foreigners. China will impose
qualifications on its citizens, to ensure "quality" of its citizens. Pres.
Ma was eager to fulfil his campaign promise to have flights started on July
4 that he agreed to China's demand that cargo planes were not included, as
China is afraid of Taiwan's competitiveness in cargo business. Th
发帖数: 633


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: The flights will have to go through Hong Kong, instead of directly from
: Shanghai or Beijing, for example, to Taiwan. Only Taiwanese and selected
: groups of PRC Chinese may fly--no foreigners. China will impose
: qualifications on its citizens, to ensure "quality" of its citizens. Pres.
: Ma was eager to fulfil his campaign promise to have flights started on July
: 4 that he agreed to China's demand that cargo planes were not included, as
: China is afraid of Taiwan's competitiveness in cargo business. Th

发帖数: 6973
I am not familiar with civilian aviation. However, what you say is unlikely.
(1) Taiwan's military is adamently opposed to ANY civilian flight across the
Taiwan strait. I don't know if there is merit to that argument, but my
impression is US seems to support the position, at least implicitly. I am
unaware of the definition. Shanghai to Taipei may be not across the strait
but to Kaohsiung is. And Xiamen/Amoy to any point in Taiwan definitely is.
(2) One can not just fly anyway he wants. China las

【在 p*********f 的大作中提到】
: 立此存照一下。
: 这个直航航班必须绕道香港或是其他第三方领空,好象是大概一个星期出来的谣言,一
: 直没有人出来证实。我赌最后谈判的结果是航班飞直线,不绕道香港或第三方。
: 修改:重新排了一下版。

发帖数: 6973
Mr. Ma Ying-jeou in his presidential campaign played loose and fast. His
pledges showed he was ignorant, incompetent or downright lying. A few
questioned feasibility. Taiwanese bought them anyway. Now people--from
Taiwanese to Chinese to Americans--find out he is not a magician after all.
Everywhere the Ma administration and China turn, they encounter the
difficulty of Taiwan sovereignty, or lack of it. The issue is unavoidable.
(1) During campaign, Mr. Ma dismissed aviation between as "neither

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: I am not familiar with civilian aviation. However, what you say is unlikely.
: (1) Taiwan's military is adamently opposed to ANY civilian flight across the
: Taiwan strait. I don't know if there is merit to that argument, but my
: impression is US seems to support the position, at least implicitly. I am
: unaware of the definition. Shanghai to Taipei may be not across the strait
: but to Kaohsiung is. And Xiamen/Amoy to any point in Taiwan definitely is.
: (2) One can not just fly anyway he wants. China las

发帖数: 6973
In hte last paragraph.
(a) the word "changes" should be "change."
"Change"--withoyut "s" is Obama's slogan.
(b) The noun of "likewarm" is "lukewarmness," not "lukewarmth."

* * *
My comment: * * * Perhaps Pres. Ma wants "changes"--
the slogan of Democratic candidate Barrack Obama--in the relations with
China but there are a lot of international laws that he can not buck, not to
mention China's lukewarmth and hesistancy in dealing with Ma.

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: Mr. Ma Ying-jeou in his presidential campaign played loose and fast. His
: pledges showed he was ignorant, incompetent or downright lying. A few
: questioned feasibility. Taiwanese bought them anyway. Now people--from
: Taiwanese to Chinese to Americans--find out he is not a magician after all.
: Everywhere the Ma administration and China turn, they encounter the
: difficulty of Taiwan sovereignty, or lack of it. The issue is unavoidable.
: (1) During campaign, Mr. Ma dismissed aviation between as "neither

发帖数: 6973
(1) Apparently I misinterpreted the report "Back to strait-talking" whose
second paragraph stated,
"With agreements on direct weekend charter flights and opening Taiwan to
Chinese tourists already reached through backdoor channels, the ARATS-SEF
talks will be the first-ever between the two sides where deals had been
struck beforehand."
(2) Upon reading it, my thought was,
"The agreement was reached between CCP Head (and China's president) Hu
Jintao and KMT head Wu Po-hsiung in the end of May. So

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: The flights will have to go through Hong Kong, instead of directly from
: Shanghai or Beijing, for example, to Taiwan. Only Taiwanese and selected
: groups of PRC Chinese may fly--no foreigners. China will impose
: qualifications on its citizens, to ensure "quality" of its citizens. Pres.
: Ma was eager to fulfil his campaign promise to have flights started on July
: 4 that he agreed to China's demand that cargo planes were not included, as
: China is afraid of Taiwan's competitiveness in cargo business. Th

1 (共1页)
一位百岁女子的两岸故事Taiwan's Worth if China Pays Cash
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Poor Chinese, They Just Don't Get it.中国公民无绿卡H1B可以去台湾工作吗?
taiwan经济现在好像真的很惨?Taiwan/China Common Market
Taiwan's Nov. Unemployment Rate JumpsIn Q4 2008, Taiwan GDP Growth Rate: -22%
话题: china话题: taiwan话题: flights话题: ma话题: july