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Taiwan版 - 看英国每日邮报又在污蔑中国什么
一群迷失的猫?大家推荐一个 Camping 的地方吧。 (转载)
congratulations to Ma and XiaoBFL-2002 draft by player
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Any good summer camps or activities in Taiwan for young ABCs?请推荐一个cargo bag
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话题: cats话题: games话题: chinese话题: olympic话题: olympics
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发帖数: 62
标题:Olympics clean-up Chinese style: Inside Beijings shocking death camp for cats
Thousands of pet cats in Beijing are being abandoned by their owners and sent to die in secretive government pounds as China mounts an aggressive drive to clean up the capital in preparation for the Olympic Games.
Hundreds of cats a day are being rounded and crammed into cages so small they cannot even turn around.
Then they are trucked to what animal welfare groups describe as death camps on the edges of the city.
发帖数: 62
It is well documented that the Chinese are disgustingly cruel to many types of animals. Animal lovers should avoid the Olympic Games.
- Toni Rudin, Uppingham UK, 09/3/2008 04:18
Sick! All animal-lovers should boycott these games.
- A, london, 09/3/2008 03:13
Shame on my fellow Chinese !
- Ms D.Lee, Hong Kong, 09/3/2008 03:08
I will not be watching the Olympics, in my opinion we should have boycotted the games anyway.
- Helen Faulkes, United Kingdom, 9/3/2008 9:13


【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: 标题:Olympics clean-up Chinese style: Inside Beijings shocking death camp for cats
: Thousands of pet cats in Beijing are being abandoned by their owners and sent to die in secretive government pounds as China mounts an aggressive drive to clean up the capital in preparation for the Olympic Games.
: Hundreds of cats a day are being rounded and crammed into cages so small they cannot even turn around.
: Then they are trucked to what animal welfare groups describe as death camps on the edges of the city.

1 (共1页)
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[求购mile]round-way to chinaAny good summer camps or activities in Taiwan for young ABCs?
[求购]UA 65000点/Beijing <--> DC round trip ticket for $1,050+fees[合集] Any good summer camps or activities in Taiwan for young ABC
一群迷失的猫?大家推荐一个 Camping 的地方吧。 (转载)
congratulations to Ma and XiaoBFL-2002 draft by player
Pres. Ma's New Foreign PolicyRFL-2002 Draft by player
Flight Tickets from Taipei to Beijing看来wikileak,基本没啥中国爆料
话题: cats话题: games话题: chinese话题: olympic话题: olympics