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Taiwan版 - Dongguan As Microcosm of China's Economy
New York Times台灣知識經濟競爭力 亞洲之冠
support taiwan economyMore Bad News for Taiwan Economy
世界银行下调全球经济增长预测Financial Times on Chinese Economy
Further Evidence of China Economy Slowdown (转载)SG and TW Worst Asian Economies in 2009
China's Economy Akin to Japan's Before the Burst? (转载)Sky Falling on Ma
Peru, Host of 2008 APECTaiwan Economy in New Lows
News summary on ChinaIf You are in DC Area, Watch Out for HIV (转载)
China: Will Help Taiwan with EconomyChien-Ming Wang
话题: china话题: microcosm话题: dongguan话题: economy话题: christmas
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Barbara Demick, Chinese toy makers' struggles dim Christmas joy. Los Angeles
Times, Dec. 25, 2008.
My comment: This is a wonderful story. I recommend it without quoting from
it. It is strange that parents in China don't buy toys for their children.
Taiwan was poor (before I left in mid-1980s) but parents there did. It is
also unusual that many in China did not or do not hear of Christmas.
1 (共1页)
Chien-Ming WangChina's Economy Akin to Japan's Before the Burst? (转载)
US-Taiwan-China Trilateral RelationshipPeru, Host of 2008 APEC
办公时间约会女友 台高官辞职News summary on China
台"友邦"总督见蔡英文时险摔倒 台网友:死亡之握真厉害!China: Will Help Taiwan with Economy
New York Times台灣知識經濟競爭力 亞洲之冠
support taiwan economyMore Bad News for Taiwan Economy
世界银行下调全球经济增长预测Financial Times on Chinese Economy
Further Evidence of China Economy Slowdown (转载)SG and TW Worst Asian Economies in 2009
话题: china话题: microcosm话题: dongguan话题: economy话题: christmas