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Taiwan版 - Taiwanese Yearn for Salty Coffee
Taiwanese Hustle & Bustle: Asustek Eee Laptop (转载)刚才看了台湾女生谈初夜
肚子好饿China to Taiwan phone call volume drops first time in 11
How Taiwanese Holdholds Dispose of Rubbish一位百岁女子的两岸故事
圣保罗可以,你们为什么不可以?Taiwanese PC makers thrive with own brands
do girls in taipei wear leather boots? thanks!大陸男人,說說你們眼里的臺灣女孩!
write some note about my visit of Taiwan台湾mm里,论落成外F女的多么?
Phlin: Regarding Ma中国人怎么这样呢 (转载)
话题: australian话题: taiwanese话题: coffee话题: taiwan话题: salty
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Taiwan goes crazy for 'salty coffee.' The West Australian, Dec. 29, 2008.
Note: Australian Associated Press (AAP) is owned by four Australian news
organizations, including publisher of the newspaper The West Australian. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Associated_Press
My comment: I can't find the TAIWANESE website for the chain 85 Degree
Bakery Cafe. Its US branch is at Irvine, California. From blogs written in
Taiwan, Aust
发帖数: 6973
Yesterday I forgot to add this as the last item under "Separately."
Laura Bashraheel, Taiwan calling: Where modernity complements tradition.
Arab News, Dec. 25, 2008.
The travelogue is garden-variety, but one sentence caought my attention:
"Wherever one goes, green tea is served first. Unlike the way tea served in
the Middle East, Taiwanese tea contains no sugar. It is a kind of Chinese
green tea taken with meals and throu
发帖数: 6973
Apparetnly it is not a local phenomenon.
Kim Severson, How Caramel Developed a Taste for Salt. New York Times, Dec.
31, 2008
(salted caramel in chocolate; salted caramel ice cream from Haagen-Dazs;
Starbucks selling salted caramel hot chocolate)
"In the case of salted caramels, the influence came directly from France.
Heavily salted butter caramels are a traditional treat in Brittany.
"One thing salt

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: Taiwan goes crazy for 'salty coffee.' The West Australian, Dec. 29, 2008.
: http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuId=5&ContentID=115224
: Note: Australian Associated Press (AAP) is owned by four Australian news
: organizations, including publisher of the newspaper The West Australian. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Associated_Press
: My comment: I can't find the TAIWANESE website for the chain 85 Degree
: Bakery Cafe. Its US branch is at Irvine, California. From blogs written in
: Taiwan, Aust

发帖数: 6973
Natalie Tso, Some Salt with Your Coffee? Taiwan's Hot Drink; In Taiwan, sea
salt is being whipped into the creamy foam atop sweet coffee. Time, Jan. 15,

* * *

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: Taiwan goes crazy for 'salty coffee.' The West Australian, Dec. 29, 2008.
: http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuId=5&ContentID=115224
: Note: Australian Associated Press (AAP) is owned by four Australian news
: organizations, including publisher of the newspaper The West Australian. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Associated_Press
: My comment: I can't find the TAIWANESE website for the chain 85 Degree
: Bakery Cafe. Its US branch is at Irvine, California. From blogs written in
: Taiwan, Aust

1 (共1页)
中国人怎么这样呢 (转载)do girls in taipei wear leather boots? thanks!
中国世界工厂时代即将结束?write some note about my visit of Taiwan
Taiwanese Bike Maker "Giant'Phlin: Regarding Ma
Taiwanese Hustle & Bustle: Asustek Eee Laptop (转载)刚才看了台湾女生谈初夜
肚子好饿China to Taiwan phone call volume drops first time in 11
How Taiwanese Holdholds Dispose of Rubbish一位百岁女子的两岸故事
圣保罗可以,你们为什么不可以?Taiwanese PC makers thrive with own brands
话题: australian话题: taiwanese话题: coffee话题: taiwan话题: salty