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Taiwan版 - Financial Times on Chinese Economy
中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)China Nov. Export Fall
China Now Has the Biggest 3 Banks of the WorldChina, Without Its Characteristics
China AGAIN Lowers Interest RatesThe World Clamors for Taiwan Policy Shift
China's SAFE Has Lost > $80bn So Farsupport taiwan economy
Too Costly to Die in China世界银行下调全球经济增长预测
Pres. Ma's New Foreign PolicyFurther Evidence of China Economy Slowdown (转载)
Cover-up by Local GovernmentChina's Economy Akin to Japan's Before the Burst? (转载)
Huang GuangyuPeru, Host of 2008 APEC
话题: economy话题: chinese话题: financial话题: times话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) Jamil Anderlini, China's State Sector Urged to Prop Up Cooling Economy.
FT, Dec, 27, 2008.
"'Technocratic ideology'--the belief that for one reason or another the
government is better suited to run the commanding heights of the economy--is
very strong in China, said Yasheng Huang, a management professor at MIT and
author of the recent book Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics.
My comment: This is the only sentence in hte report that is worth reading;
the rest is predictable. I am i
发帖数: 6973
Today's news:
(1) Why am I against government bailout? Because it is an bottomless pit:
The same company needs more and more; company after company, industry after
industry. Both labor and management just relax, waiting for bailout.
Jamil Anderlini, Beijing more than doubles China Eastern rescue package;
carrier bailed out to tune of Rmb 7bn; weaker demand and hedging losses bite
. Financial Times, Dec. 30, 2008.
1 (共1页)
Peru, Host of 2008 APECToo Costly to Die in China
China: Will Help Taiwan with EconomyPres. Ma's New Foreign Policy
台灣知識經濟競爭力 亞洲之冠Cover-up by Local Government
More Bad News for Taiwan EconomyHuang Guangyu
中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)China Nov. Export Fall
China Now Has the Biggest 3 Banks of the WorldChina, Without Its Characteristics
China AGAIN Lowers Interest RatesThe World Clamors for Taiwan Policy Shift
China's SAFE Has Lost > $80bn So Farsupport taiwan economy
话题: economy话题: chinese话题: financial话题: times话题: china