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Taiwan版 - 新发明:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境 (转载)
AIT Director Stephen Young's Farewell Speech新发明:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境 (转载)
老黑爵新发明:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境
Please sign petition: Stephen A Smith resign from espn (转载)AR free floating tube的作用非常明显么?
四川江油6.0余震!为何我的HTC ONE没有WIFI定位功能?
China to Build Lots of High-Speed Railways请问Newark转机到Boston (转载)
Google Map出錯! 馬祖成中國領土(2010/02/22 14:05)佛州旅游请参见
驚悚空照圖 農地出現哀怨女人臉Google navigation is available to Android 1.6 now! MT 3G and G1
话题: maps话题: google话题: creepy话题: harmonizes话题: maybe
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6896
【 以下文字转载自 Reader 讨论区 】
发信人: lesson (伤心吉他客), 信区: Reader
标 题: 新发现:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 18 05:01:15 2011, 美东)
Ok, 我大概不是世界上第一个这样做的人,但我很高兴自己发明了这个方法。拿出来野
最近在读 Stephen King 的新书 "11/22/63", 它的内容与美国甘迺迪总统被刺的历史
“... bus stopped at the corner of Oak Lawn and Wycliff ...There was a big
stone church on the corner. Lee sauntered over to the iron railing running
in front of it ..."
借由 Google Maps 的 street view 功能,我可以亲眼看到书中所描述的公车站牌、教
除了这种”小场面“以外,不久前重读 Tom Clancy 的旧作 Red Storm Rising 也很好
用。那本书是在讲第三次世界大战,场景遍布欧洲。利用 Google Maps,可以清楚看出
来军力部署,海上航线,部队行进路线等等。没有 Google Maps 的帮助,东南西北不
分,看得糊里糊涂,有了 Googal Maps ,我就可以得知为何易北河上的某条桥梁如此重
建议各位,以后读书,可以开着电脑或手机,随时查阅地图或 street view, 非常好玩
my two cents.
发帖数: 11290
Tales of the New World by Sabina Murray
裡面也提到用google map來輔助看這本書

【在 l****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Reader 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lesson (伤心吉他客), 信区: Reader
: 标 题: 新发现:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 18 05:01:15 2011, 美东)
: Ok, 我大概不是世界上第一个这样做的人,但我很高兴自己发明了这个方法。拿出来野
: 人献曝一把。
: 最近在读 Stephen King 的新书 "11/22/63", 它的内容与美国甘迺迪总统被刺的历史
: 有关。作者考证的功夫做得十分详尽,连街名地址、大街上的街景等等,都有说明。例
: 如底下这段文字:
: “... bus stopped at the corner of Oak Lawn and Wycliff ...There was a big

发帖数: 6896
It's creepy. What made me buy this Stephen King book was also an interview
on NPR! And, according to you, on the same radio station, today there was
another interview mentioned Google Maps and reading. Although I didn't get
to hear that interview, but somehow, out of nowhere, in the middle of the
night, I decided to write a post on this same topic! And somehow, just a few
minutes after I made the post, you saw my post, decided to respond so that
I can connect all the dots. This is creepy.
What makes the whole thing even more creepy is ..... in this Stephen King's
book, there are lots of this kind of creepy coincidences. "The past
harmonizes.", as he calls it.
Maybe I am like George Amberson, I am a time traveller too. Maybe something
went wrong in the process, so I lost the memory of the time before I crossed
"the rabbit hole", the memory of who I really was and why and how I'm here.
I didn't know that I was a time traveller! But "the past harmonizes",
maybe all the coincidences I saw today are the way the past harmonizes
itself. Maybe the big machine with big toothy gears behind the universe is
trying to tell me I should go and find out my true identity ....

【在 B****n 的大作中提到】
: 很巧的是我今天剛好聽到NPR在介紹一本書
: Tales of the New World by Sabina Murray
: 裡面也提到用google map來輔助看這本書
: http://www.npr.org/2011/11/17/142472055/an-ancient-mariners-tal

发帖数: 17190

【在 l****n 的大作中提到】
: It's creepy. What made me buy this Stephen King book was also an interview
: on NPR! And, according to you, on the same radio station, today there was
: another interview mentioned Google Maps and reading. Although I didn't get
: to hear that interview, but somehow, out of nowhere, in the middle of the
: night, I decided to write a post on this same topic! And somehow, just a few
: minutes after I made the post, you saw my post, decided to respond so that
: I can connect all the dots. This is creepy.
: What makes the whole thing even more creepy is ..... in this Stephen King's
: book, there are lots of this kind of creepy coincidences. "The past
: harmonizes.", as he calls it.

1 (共1页)
Google navigation is available to Android 1.6 now! MT 3G and G1四川江油6.0余震!
【$】Tom Clancy's HAWX pc game $0.99 FSChina to Build Lots of High-Speed Railways
Re: 请大家推荐英文枕边书?Google Map出錯! 馬祖成中國領土(2010/02/22 14:05)
What Love is This?(42)韦斯敏斯德信条的历史背景驚悚空照圖 農地出現哀怨女人臉
AIT Director Stephen Young's Farewell Speech新发明:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境 (转载)
老黑爵新发明:利用 Google Maps 让阅读更身历其境
Please sign petition: Stephen A Smith resign from espn (转载)AR free floating tube的作用非常明显么?
话题: maps话题: google话题: creepy话题: harmonizes话题: maybe