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Talk版 - A comment means a lot!
好象可以在CNN 留言了 Geraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obama
Obama denounces his pastor's remarks今早的NBC早间大选新闻
whoa Damon, Affleck team up for Obama我不明白你们为什么要让出USAnews?
obama作茧自缚Ferraro 'absolutely not' apologetic on Obama remarks
Obama Votes Against Obama Economic Package到处都在关注种族问题
the comments just keep coming看来学生里面确实是支持obama的多
Obama minister under scrutiny出啥好事了?
Geraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obama The Pennsylvania Democratic Primary ZZ
话题: obama话题: remarks话题: comment话题: pa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 324
I eat breakfast at a diner daily and today everyone who thought of voting
for Obama now have second thoughts because of his minister's remarks.
Horrible remarks..they offend everyone. So tell me how Obama can win in our
state..Pennsylvania now that we are getting to know him better.
发帖数: 77
How much White people don't like Obama, That much
Black people love Obama more.
But unfortunately for Obama, Black is not majority
in Pennsylvania, so face your fate, your are already
Jasse Jackson the second.


【在 J*****R 的大作中提到】
: I eat breakfast at a diner daily and today everyone who thought of voting
: for Obama now have second thoughts because of his minister's remarks.
: Horrible remarks..they offend everyone. So tell me how Obama can win in our
: state..Pennsylvania now that we are getting to know him better.

发帖数: 324
Yeah!! I think he will give up soon!
Racist is a big issue he can't clarify any more.

【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: How much White people don't like Obama, That much
: Black people love Obama more.
: But unfortunately for Obama, Black is not majority
: in Pennsylvania, so face your fate, your are already
: Jasse Jackson the second.
: our

发帖数: 932
His compaign already gave up PA, his strategy is try hard to dowgrade
importance of PA.
发帖数: 327
do you live in PA.
Could you consider campaign for H a little bit:)


【在 J*****R 的大作中提到】
: I eat breakfast at a diner daily and today everyone who thought of voting
: for Obama now have second thoughts because of his minister's remarks.
: Horrible remarks..they offend everyone. So tell me how Obama can win in our
: state..Pennsylvania now that we are getting to know him better.

1 (共1页)
The Pennsylvania Democratic Primary ZZObama Votes Against Obama Economic Package
iowa caucusthe comments just keep coming
Michelle Obama and raceObama minister under scrutiny
Democrats To Debate In PennsylvaniaGeraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obama
好象可以在CNN 留言了 Geraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obama
Obama denounces his pastor's remarks今早的NBC早间大选新闻
whoa Damon, Affleck team up for Obama我不明白你们为什么要让出USAnews?
obama作茧自缚Ferraro 'absolutely not' apologetic on Obama remarks
话题: obama话题: remarks话题: comment话题: pa