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Talk版 - 美国人对中国人游行抗议的看法 (转载)
abcnews: Obama's Pastor:David Letterman scandal
Correct Understanding of the cult热烈祝贺国际相声大师郭德纲荣登《纽约时报》
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川普顾问:北京将对川普提六大敏感问题 (转载)90%的美国人口生活在一党控制州长和议会的州, 各州是民主的试验场
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美国人对中国人游行抗议的看法ISIS Is Planning to Infiltrate the Southern Border
话题: he话题: chinese话题: kimmel话题: us话题: too
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17544
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: chairman ( 8====o ~~ /*), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: 美国人对中国人游行抗议的看法
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 10 02:23:13 2013, 美东)
The punchline came when he interviewed the Asian-American child. He was
making fun of the infantile mentality of jingoistic American pundits and
sadly, way too many Americans. Too bad too many Americans (and Chinese) are
too stupid to see it. He wasn't demeaning Chinese, he was demeaning
stupidity, bigotry, blind obedience to stupid, self-serving politicians. In
other words, if you're offended, you're the butt of the joke. NOW you can
get pissed off at Kimmel. He called you on it.
If one examines the stated goals of the Communist Party of China, one would
find the implict goal of destroying the United States. After all, these
thieves steal our technology, spy on our citizens, infiltrate our research
laboratories, are actively building advanced ICBM's to vaporize the US, and
participating in near acts of war when it comes to trade agreements. If I
were a chinese leader, I would make a statement that this is just a
TELEVISION SHOW and not an official organ of the US government. Something
the chinese understand, if not practice. We still have freedom of thought,
freedom of expression and freedom to make a light hearted joke with little
kids in a setting that could NEVER be misunderstood as hostile.
According to a brief internet search, there are over 312 million people in
the US, only 3.5 million of whom are Chinese. If Jimmy Kimmel can kill
everyone in China, the few Chinese people living here should be easy to deal
with by comparison. :)
To put this in context, one of the best friends I've ever had is from Korea.
He jokes a lot about Hitler, pedophilia and other sensitive topics, and I
have no doubt that he gave this "news" an eye roll if he read it.
Comedians have been offending people for a very long time. This is nothing
new. In the long run, most of what it will do is give Jimmy Kimmel publicity
, and you know what they say. "There's no such thing as bad publicity."
1 (共1页)
ISIS Is Planning to Infiltrate the Southern Border近年来,朝鲜核试验风波
现实就是,Trump即使脱离Republican,也会以第三党赢得选举法国著名人权律师准备参与控告江泽民 (转载)
538: how reliable is it? "Trump 2% chance at the nomination"美国人对中国人游行抗议的看法 (转载)
abcnews: Obama's Pastor:David Letterman scandal
Correct Understanding of the cult热烈祝贺国际相声大师郭德纲荣登《纽约时报》
朝鲜扬言随时发射导弹 美称已准备好击落 (转载)FBI:美国首都恋童癖已经发展到惊人的“流行病”程度
川普顾问:北京将对川普提六大敏感问题 (转载)90%的美国人口生活在一党控制州长和议会的州, 各州是民主的试验场
话题: he话题: chinese话题: kimmel话题: us话题: too