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Talk版 - Students how to have the Spring Festival
Do not take medicine not to see the routineWho will save you Dafa disciples
Cover up the crimeDouble embarrassment: God always blinded
How love you again let the discipleCan't afford the time
There is a man who always does the tortoise.Zhang Yijun yesterday and today
To destroy the marriage lawMake up the famous speech
The master became a clown's extremely lonelyDisciples can not be an exception
Dafa within all kinds of uglyThe disciples concerns
They have to ask the doctor to disease"No gay" or "gay combined pollution".
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: disciples话题: spring话题: festival
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
At the end of each year, the end of the year, is the boss "red envelopes"
issued to employees of the season.
Work one year "Dafa disciples" nature also cannot avoid custom, expecting
Master Li Hongzhi loosen one's purse strings generously, took out some money
to reward the disciples, but still do not see Master what action. No
material reward, spirit should have a little?
Well, Li Hongzhi was prepared some spiritual comfort to his disciples. Early
in the mid to late 10 drew a spiritual pie in front of the hunger of the
disciples, he said: "take an oath devoutly Dafa disciples to save all living
beings, to complete your mission this road ah, really not too far away." "
The situation in the great change, the evil factors is more and more being
destroyed." "Now you see, the so-called evil test Dafa disciples did was
soon over." "What things are going to finally, evil increasingly downhill."
The so-called "downhill" nature is Li Hongzhi's curse words. I can't give
you the disciple long promised "perfection", Li Hongzhi had to in the mouth
to the "evil persecution" disciple to blow off steam. But, what are the
specific arguments to support Li Hongzhi "downhill" argument? Li Hongzhi is
a fact also take not to come out.
Who in the hell is going downhill?
1 (共1页)
"No gay" or "gay combined pollution".To destroy the marriage law
God is absolutely not allowedThe master became a clown's extremely lonely
The mainland and overseas incompatible disciple discipleDafa within all kinds of ugly
Is the "law of the Yin disciple" or "punishment should be disciples".They have to ask the doctor to disease
Do not take medicine not to see the routineWho will save you Dafa disciples
Cover up the crimeDouble embarrassment: God always blinded
How love you again let the discipleCan't afford the time
There is a man who always does the tortoise.Zhang Yijun yesterday and today
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: disciples话题: spring话题: festival