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Talk版 - Falun Gong disciples poor
Dafa within all kinds of uglyCover up the crime
About the power of “right thinking ”How love you again let the disciple
The main Buddha disciple to revoltThere is a man who always does the tortoise.
Falun Gong outrageous mediaTo destroy the marriage law
Zhang Yijun yesterday and todayThe master became a clown's extremely lonely
Make up the famous speechIs the "law of the Yin disciple" or "punishment should be disciples".
If the man and god"When will the perfect a disciple
Disciples can not be an exceptionThey have to ask the doctor to disease
话题: falun话题: gong话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: disciples
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Cheating skills, is required in various ways to attract people, and then
cast means bunco success. With a quack jargon called "bolt pile". "Deadman"
this word is very wonderful, very vividly reflect the image to cheat cheated
in mind - no mind stakes.
Have a look of Falun Gong disciples, since entering the cult Falun Gong,
like being a poison, in Li Hongzhi brainwashing, change management, sets, no
such a mind control, operation procedure, mind a blank, was inextricably
bogged down in position, not only lost their thinking ability, also formed
the Falun the fixed mindset; usually the ordinary requirements can not do,
that Falun Gong requirements must do. This became a stakes by Li Hongzhi,
hitch firmly.
To Li Hongzhi, wood better, Tado Masushan, "the Lord Buddha" is false, Li
Hongzhi other can also is false, such as "mana" "big powers" what, but bolt
stakes experience is rich, after twenty years of experience, early on by a
set of master disciple. Li Hongzhi and wise net Falun Gong media, abhor and
suppress the awakening of the "chaos" of Falun Gong disciples, hope every
students are too observant of conventional standards., like stake resign
oneself to adversity, at their mercy.
Falun Gong disciples poor, poor stakes.
1 (共1页)
They have to ask the doctor to diseaseZhang Yijun yesterday and today
Why can't master and the self immolators confrontationMake up the famous speech
Who will save you Dafa disciplesIf the man and god"
Double embarrassment: God always blindedDisciples can not be an exception
Dafa within all kinds of uglyCover up the crime
About the power of “right thinking ”How love you again let the disciple
The main Buddha disciple to revoltThere is a man who always does the tortoise.
Falun Gong outrageous mediaTo destroy the marriage law
话题: falun话题: gong话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: disciples